Travelogue 2# Skiing at Pacific NOrthwest

in #sport7 years ago


I moved to Pacific Northwest, US in July and this is my first winters in Seattle and it's not that bad at all. Back in India, my only encounter with skiing was on the hills of Manali, dragging my skis around as a kid. I love adventure sports and outdoor activities so a bunch of friends and I signed up for skiing classes at Snoqualmie.

Website -
Cost - 179$ without tax
Pass Type - Three beginner lessons with gear included
Lesson duration - One hour each

The Gang

Enroute to Snowqualmie

We reached there half an hour before our scheduled time and made sure that we had high calories breakfast as buoy this thing was some hardcore workout(think muffins, dry fruits and coffee)
Make sure to take sunglasses as sunlight reflection from the ice can be blinding. I forgot mine but the instructors were kind enough to lend me one for free.
The instructors there help you get your gear on. Get your appropriate size else fitting into those boots will be a nightmare.

What was covered?
They will make you do some basic warm up exercise to get a hang of the gear. First day would be pretty much knowing how to put on and off the skis. How to move forward, one way slide and how not to cause destruction around you. :P If the group is average or above you will get to go up the magic carpet(think slant flat escalators taking you up on the top of a tiny elevation) to ski down on your own.

Walking up

Don't know how to get out of this position. Friends coming to rescue and little kids laughing. Haha

Warming up after the day was done. Felt like a feather dream with warm marshmallow treats

Breathtaking views

Day 2
You will start with the magic carpet. How to stop at will and take slight turns. We were so thrilled going up and down the magic carpet. IT WAS SO COOL!!

Happy Faces

YOu are going to fall a lot of times. Don't worry. Doesn't hurt.


First confident ski down the magic carpet when I was no longer a moving hazard. :P

If you are planning to take lessons too, here are some firsthand tips

  1. If you cannot stop and about to crash into living or the dead, fall on your side. DO NOT fall forward or backward as that can be dangerous.
  2. Wedge your ski into the ice by bending your foot outwards or inwards if you want to walk uphill.
  3. Buy touch screen compatible gloves if you want to take pictures. Really convenient!
  4. ask your instructor to ski down with you and record if you want a video like mine.
  5. It is going to hurt when you will lie down at night. Take a hot water bath before sleeping.

If you are doubtful whether you should go or not, take my words - JUST GO FOR IT. You will love every bit of the wind in your hair and you'll feel part of everywhere. Guaranteed! :P :P

Here - a link to one of my favourite songs