Healthy lifestyle

in #sport7 years ago

Lot of people are asking themselves how to eat healthy, everyone wants to reduce their weight. Especially after New Year people are talking that they will start some sport to live healthy. But always when i hear people talking that way, and have those mind setup "next week i will go to the gym", "next week i will stop eat fast food" i know that is just excause.

My opinion is not to set some goals which you could not achieve, or train because someone told you you are skinny or fat.
Train because you want to train, you want to have few hours in the week only for you, to reduce your stress, relax and do something which makes you feel better.

The most stupid thing i have heard is to compare yourself with others people. And people who say "yo i want to look like Ronalno, i want to have ass like KimKardasian" that is the wrong way, that people who think like that will workout probably one or two week and that is it.

Now this is few tips which i like to follow in my lifestyle, which will help me to live healhy lifestyle:
1.) I am trying to have 4 trainings in the week, (balance weight and cardio training)
2.) Drink lot of water, because water makes you metabolism faster, and helps you to get out all the toxic things in your blood and body.
3.) I am trying to have 8 hours of sleep, it is very important because without sleep your processes in body are slower, you can not thing properly, study etc..
4.)Have 5 meals in the day. It is very important to teach your body to eat more times but less, than eat two times in the day but biiig amount.
5.) Never eat candy or cakes after lunch or dinner, i try to wait fore one hour after big meal (lunch,Dinner).
6.) Try to eat balanced food, never have carbs,protein, and fat in the same meal. Always combine two of them in every meal.
7.)I am using suplementation after every workout, that is not something which you cant without it, but i have learned myself on it.

If you have some questions you are free to ask :D

stemitbalkan gif.gif


Slazem se sa tobom za vecinu nabrojanih stvari, osim sto ja za razliku od tebe imam dva manja obroka, slatkis pojedem bas kad je kriticno, ali zato jedem svaki dan voce. A trening sam pojacala na 6 puta nedeljno. Bitno je istrajati u tome, ne treba zadati preveliki zalogaj sebi da trazimo nesto nemoguce. Obzirom da sam se vratila u formu nakon porodjaja, jos bolju od one koju sam imala, mislim da sam kompetentna da komentarisem. Necu izbacivati sliku, na fejsu ih ima lom :-)

Pa to je bitno ustrajati, tj. ono ziviti takav zivot jer preko noci nema nista..