NBA does terrible job on Suspensions.

in #sports7 years ago

I know there may not be a ton of sports fans on Steemit yet, but If you watch any sports, you heard about the Clippers vs Rockets altercations. So we all know that NBA players really don't fight well, and this video at the 11 min mark gets pretty funny with Shaq and Barkley making fun of the cops being called to the staples center.

The big issue is that the NBA suspended the 2 role players for entering the other team lockers room, but did NOT suspend Chris Paul and James Harden. They are clearly superstars, and guess what they have 2 national televised games coming up..... Instead of saying that they wanted them to play in those games, they made some excuse that they were peace keepers bla bla bla.... Why do we got to lie.


First, good article, good points. The hypocrisy that the NBA deals is the same the NFL and other professional leagues dole out. They're mainly concerned about ratings and it doesn't make people want to watch if the superstars are sitting out. Can't justify charging $100 for a ticket if you're seeing bench-warmers playing.

Second, you had me from:

I know there may not be a ton of sports fans on Steemit yet, but...

There definitely seems to be a shortage compared to general population, so I'm stoked to find your feed. Now following you and looking forward to you next articles.

Have a great day!

Ya sports is kinda scarce on here. @sportsncoffee runs some contests.

I'm really wishing that the sports scene will grow in steemit. I have a feeling it will.
Maybe I'm in the minority....but I actually like the fact that the NBA is getting back to being a bit more physical and "manly". I was getting tired of seeing the soft- "going through the motions" attitude along with everyone being best buddies out there.
I hear what you guys are saying about keeping the "stars" on the court for the national games. Someone has to be the fall guy....right? lol
Lets keep it "real" though....nobody even threw a punch. Just alot of yapping, pushing and staring. Once they breached the other locker room....I knew somebody was going to need to be the sacrificial lamb. Glad to see some sports on here!! Enjoy boys.... :)

I agree with you @bigram13! The NBA needs to learn a lesson from the NFL or MLB. Goodell has gotten very strict with his suspensions and errs on the side of caution. His suspensions usually get shortened a bit, but he starts off on the extreme end and it works its way down through the review process. The MLB suspends players for full seasons! I love the NBA and all, but it's definitely a joke when it comes to stuff like this. Great post!

Never know, Nba players might some day go up in the stands and start punching Fans.

@bigram13 they are doing it to get more ratings and more money.they are their only concern..

I totally agree.

@bigram13 the capitalist system there is nothing to do.

I share the same that says @aquia10 everything they do for money and call more attention. very good report @bigram13

Yea how that played out was crazy lol...they obviously not trying to hurt their ratings smh

It is funny, I would of accepted if they would have said they would get suspended later because of ratings. No one would care.

I completely agree with this. It seems like when it comes to the superstars the NBA makes business decisions not to suspend them for those nationally televised games. You make a great point that if they would just say "they're suspended but not for national tv games" while some would still find it unfair, it's more unfair to not suspend them for their actions. The league has definitely been strange with altercations, refs, and team drama lately. I lowkey live for it though lol.

La superestrellas que incurran en alguna falla siempre tendrán excusas y si no los medios como comisionado se la inventaran no es lo mismo una transmisión de un juego con jugadores de rol que con estas super estrellas son los que venden y tanto el comisionado con la TV les conviene vender tan sencillo como eso.

In the old days NBA, the taste of basketball came to taste aklima. Astronomical figures and money now. it is really sad from the truth. Let NBA do more sadness to us past the past. @bigram13

Y no es que no haya fanaticos en steemit , lo que pasa que si hablas de deportes ni voltean a mirarte por eso en mi perfil tengo el enlace de twitter para ver si alguien habla de deporte.

es asi. en steemit muy poco se habla del deporte y eso que hay mucha informacion y potencial en los diferentees tipos de deporte

As Barkley would say... turrible.