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RE: The Broncnutz Chronicles *Madden, Beckham Jr, Pac-Man Jones*

in #sports6 years ago

You couldn't have said it any better. We have a society of kids that are being brought up as entitled brats and they have no concept of how to lose or fail. They are sheltered from anything bad in the world and babied. To pull out a gun and actually kill people because you lost in a video game? WTF? What is the world coming to?

OBJ is a beast and deserves the coin but I find it annoying to watch him dance around the locker room like a clown screaming about his payday. Do it with some dignity and pride. Have some respect for the guys in that locker room making the league minimum. Love watching him play but he needs to grow up a little still IMO.

I am personally pretty stoked about PacMan. He has always been that guy that people love to hate because he is an in your face tough football player. He still has some skills and knows the game well, I hope he embraces the opportunity that he has to be a leader in that locker room and be part of what is shaping up to be a pretty kick ass defence this season.



you think Makinzie makes the team now?

I really don’t know how he can with so many guys ahead of him. It’s like you said, do they keep him just to return kicks? I’ve seen stranger things though. They could just have Lindsay do both or try Hamilton with his speed as well or even PacMan as you suggested. Lots of options. It’s to bad because the dude has wheels. He could be one of those guys we see in a year or two and say “Remember when he was a Bronco and we cut him? Now look at him.” Or we may never hear from him again.