Racist Floyd Mayweather Gets a Pass, while "White Devil" Conor McGregor Must Pay!

in #sports7 years ago


When "disenfranchised minorities" call for social and racial justice, bear in mind that racism is not exclusively a white European construct. Indeed, some of the worst racists in the world come from minority groups who complain the loudest about racism!

Floyd Mayweather is a prime example of a racist hypocrite. The media largely gave him a pass after an unconvincing apology for calling rival Manny Pacquiao a "little yellow chump" and that Pacquiao should "make me a sushi roll."

Considering that the liberal mainstream media bends over backwards giving blacks "free racism passes" -- even against other legally codified minorities -- I find it poetic street justice that McGregor is giving Mayweather a taste of his own, RACIST medicine!

Mayweather claims that he's fighting for "all the blacks in the world." I hope through a miracle that McGregor KOs Mayweather for every person that's been victimized by black racism.

How do you like them apples?


I totally agree! I am sick to death of being called a problem just because i am a white and educated. I do not have any guilt for other peoples choices, but neither do i have ptience for those that would hypocritically call ME the problem just because of my skin pigment.

Fuck Off i say! Bring me your humanity and responsible version of reality and i will bring mine!

People are too timid to call him out. This is unbelievable racism which causes more division.

As usual, the biased media is silent!

Haha, nice, love it. Shock and awe on steemit!