AFL Round 19 Winner Announcement!

How many participants were there?
We had 29 people submit their tips for the AFL competition this week :)
Who was this weeks winner?
A good round by @colon2018 with 6/7 and tie breaker 1 had the result confirmed.
Round 19 Participant Breakdown!
Just click here for the summary view and select the AFL Round 19 tab in green.
What was the final SBD prize?
The posts author payout will be finalized in 24 hours and you will receive 50% of this as the prize.
We also have a bonus 1 SBD coming your way, donated by a member of the community @mattclarke
He has been kind enough to transfer to our wallet 48 SBD to cover each round of AFL & NRL this season.
In turn boosting the prize for the winner each week in both codes by 1 SBD!
Within 72 hours @colon2018 the SBD will be transferred and you also get an entry into the end of season draw.
When can I submit my tips for Round 20?
This will be up in the next few hours on our page.
What's the end of season bonus prize?
A Sherrin AFL Match Ball valued at $180.00 AUD and all shipping will be covered to your country as part of the prize.
Final Thoughts!
I would like to say a big thanks to everyone that has participated this season!
Good luck in the next contest, and I hope your team gets the chocolates :)

Quite a few of us with 6 from 7 - Seriously Gold Coast, how do you go from beating Sydney to losing to Carlton????
Absolute madness, I'm expecting more upsets this week.