Soccer Pool (Football Pool): Every Bar Should Have This!
I'm not sure if this is big in other countries, but until yesterday, I had never seen it in the U.S.

I had planned on writing about the last of the bad Star Wars side projects, but my wife just showed me this video and I wanted to share it with all of you.
I don't know about you, but I really don't like simply hanging out at bars very much. I hate just sitting around. Because it was far more active, I used to go to clubs all the time. But I'm old now. The club scene passed me by 10 years ago so I find myself hanging out at bars just talking with friends. I do have a good time, but I prefer to actually do something. I suck at pool. I'm even terrible at bags. I can bowl a couple of game but then I get bored. Me throwing darts is dangerous... after a few drinks it's down right criminal.

Terrible idea... or natural selection at work?
But this new idea is awesome. I don't even like soccer and I think its amazing. I actually feel stupid for not thinking of it while sitting on a boring bar stool one night.
Even though I'm not a soccer fan, I do recognize that one of the most beautiful things about it is its simplicity. Anyone in the world can play it. All you need is a ball and some people. Goals are nice but you can get creative and make those if needed. Obviously in this case you need a little more (like a giant crazy pool "table" on the floor) but it is still very simple. Even a drunk person can kick a ball.

This would also be another cool variation on soccer...
but I don't think I'd participate in this one. Just watch.
The one downside I thought of is safety. In this video, there is nothing to prevent a drunk idiot (like me) from just kicking the balls as hard as possible all around the bar. I envision several broken glasses... and noses on day one.
But this is easily fixed. I would simply build a fence around the "table". People could still watch others playing without having to worry about flying balls (oh boy let the "balls" comments begin). I used to go to clubs with cages around the dance floor, so this seems like an easy fix. Or maybe they could just use some chicken wire like in the Blues Brothers.

The spectator aspect of this activity is another draw. I think it would be a ton of watch others play as well. I think lowering the "table" as much as possible would make it easier for people to watch... and safer for the more "balance challenged".
Alright I have to run out and buy a bar now so I can introduce this in my neighbor hood. I wonder if they will take Steem...
I just got a large chunk of Steem in my wallet and I was like... Where did that come from?
Checked and it was from you, just supporting me out of the blue and I am just stopping by to say thanks a lot.
Life on here is not easy for a lot of us, that was very nice of you and totally unexpected.
Thank you.
You support people every day with your votes and your comments. You are constantly looking to engage with others on here. This platform needs that! Thank you for being so active.
Well, that donation to me was nice but these comments are just as nice and I am kind of floored by both. I just really appreciate the encouragement a lot. Honestly.
I will have to show you stuff some time of my original mint shape ORIGINAL I said -- Star Wars figures - first run. I was born in 71.
Also my sheets and pillowcase and bedspread I still have -- first run from the Empire Strikes Back.
I posted pics of them years ago on Fascistbook and the comments from the ladies were something else lol, half of them mocked me jokingly but come on.
Mint shape. First run.
Boom. You get it.
I was born in 71 as well! I had to sell all of my original Star Wars stuff back in college to pay for school. I have bought some stuff back just for fun. I gave my son my Empire Strikes Back Pillow case recently. Found it at my mom's house. And yes. I get it!
I'm in the same boat when it comes to going to bars. The music is usually too loud to have god conversation, and I hate sitting around just drinking - it bores the heck out me.
Have you tried board game cafes? I found they're a great way to share a few laughs and beers with friends. The games stoke my competitive spirit, and take the pressure off conversation.
I have done board games in bars. I really enjoy it. I also love pub quizzes and trivia.
For the record, I have heard of and seen this years ago, just not in person. You make good points about safety and lawsuits LOL
I seriously never even knew it existed. If it has been around for a while I can't believe it didn't catch on. Maybe I'm just old and missed it lol.
Do the players "lag" like traditional pool to determine who breaks or is there some type of juggling contest?
That is a great question! I think they should race to see who can chug a beer faster.
love it but I can totally seeing the cue ball flying across the room, more so than it already does. But at least it wont knock anyone out. :-)
For sure. There is no way I'd do it in a bar without a fence around it.
Was expecting another better pool, happy to be wrong nice post.
Have seen them before on tv dont know if there are any around Dublin. There is a few football golf spots
Lol. Sorry about the false advertising. I didn't even think of that. I seriously never even heard of this before yesterday so I'm not positive that is the proper name.
I love combining games. This one looks like a winner. First I've heard of it - thanks!
I need to find a bar that has it. better than my mma bowling idea...
Very good [email protected]
I was not aware of this, but looking at it, i understand why people do it.
It's fun! Nice share.
Thanks! I really wasn't sure if this was old news or not. Didn't know if I were just really late to the party.
I think aftee a few drinks this could get a bit rowdy with balls being kicked to hard. Looks like fun though. I would prefer an adults soft play lol.
Just want to say thank you for the present WHY? was it for me or did you mean it for someone else. I can return it straight away. :)
Nope that was for you. I was looking at some statistics and saw you have the 20th most posts ever on the site. Then I looked at some of your work and comments. You are very active supporting people on here ... and in real life (especially in real life). I just wanted to say thank you. The platform needs people who engage with and support others.
WOW thank you so much that was so sweet :)