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RE: Things went really well in my last two races, why, what did I do differently?

in #sports5 years ago

So awesome to read about you having a much more pleasant racing experience! Sounds like you found some much better strategies to help you manage the miles more comfortably. I think going out more conservatively is generally a much safer bet when doing longer distance races. I know I burn out if I go out guns blazing right from the start. Scheduling out proper rest really is so key in training, as well, so I can also appreciate the down time in between blocks. Though I tend to still be active during my recovery times and use that as a good time to work in more mobility and stability training. Looking forward to reading about your next adventures!


Thanks for that.
Being sensible does not come naturally to me, so this is a new experience hehe.

Right now I'm just trying to actually run a bit when I can. It is still taking a while for the pneumonia to go away.
But I did get the all-clear from the doc yesterday. So that's a bonus.