Knotilus Daily Pond

in #spring3 years ago




Hey there beautiful people!


Look I found proof!


So excited to see these little green plants popping up around the gardens! I think they might be lilies but I can’t remember. There’s lots of established perennials around here. I know there’s some crocus somewhere that will probably be coming up soon, maybe some daffodils and whatnot too!
Can’t wait to start seeing blooms!

I have plenty of flower seeds I plan to spread around once it’s warmed up a bit more! And tough, easy to grow herbs like dill and mint as well. I always plant tons of nasturtiums and calendula as well, and have seeds for both, in varying colours.

Some of the seedlings I have so far!




It’s funny, I was going over what I have started so far, and I’ve got yellow tomatoes, black tomatoes, blue tomatoes and atomic tomatoes which are an amazing multi coloured variety, but no reds so far! 😂


So obviously I need more tomatoes! I really want to can up a ton of sauce for winter storage, and while my fun coloured toms will be delicious, if I mix them up together I’ll just get brown sauce, and it won’t have that visual punch I want in a tomato sauce.

Finding the space for the seedlings until they can withstand the chilly spring nighttime temperatures is another story!






This painting is a from a while back. It’s one of the very first I created when I got back into painting.

I lost my muse.


Completely lost my ability to even try to create any art.
It wasn’t necessarily a horrible period in my life, but for over 10 years I didn’t draw, or paint, or sculpt, or anything.

In that time my life went through many major changes, and I did learn tons of other skills, like macrame, cooking and baking gluten free and vegan meals, brewing kombucha, gardening, and many other things too, so it wasn’t all bad, but expressive art took a far back seat for a long time.

I like this bird even now.

It’s got a bit of a wonky leg and the clouds are crude but it makes me smile nonetheless.

Here’s some rocks and shells!


I’ve been dragging home rocks since I was a kid, some of these are actually from that time, many I found or was gifted over the years by friends and family.


Makes me super happy to see these beauties on display!

I’ve also been trying to create designs with some of my less precious rocks from the collection. This is one of them.


Still working out the design. Getting them to look even and neat is tough. They really just want to slip around and get all uneven looking. I’ve considered trying wire wrapping with them too, but I’m not sure a new hobby/skill is something I want to start on right now. Perhaps next winter! 🙂

Anyway, here’s some memes!










Thanks for reading! ❤️
Have a beautiful day!

Knotilus daily pond is a series of photos of the pond near my home, some bloggery about the homestead and the creations, it’s then finished off with some choice memes.

Some days here are breathtaking, others will be gray and dull, I’m happy to share the different looks of the pond all year long 🙂


The shop is officially open!
If you’re interested in helping a tiny business grow, pick out an item! ❤️

Check out my other creations through my link tree


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You're way ahead of me in your seed starting! I won't start my tomato seeds until April. I don't have a place in the house to keep the seedlings as they get bigger, so I have to wait a bit longer before getting them started. I'll be able to put them in the greenhouse by the end of April or beginning of May, but not before that.
I see that you started some corn seeds also.
The flowers that are coming up through the snow are probably Crocus, they seem to come up first in the spring.
I like that big chunk of amethyst in your rock collection!

Yea I’m quickly running out of space already! 😂 our season doesn’t last too long so it’s good to start early here for sure! Hopefully they can survive the wrath of the cats!
I hope your gardening season goes well!!