Super fast sneaky Spy with an amazing Melee power

in #spt4 years ago

Heya splinter fams,

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Serpentine Spy is an amazing untamed addition to fire deck I suppose. Yes, I love this card and I was super excited when I saw this week challenge is Serpentine Spy. Though mine is just level 5 still it does wonders because of its opportunity ability and speed. I won plenty of battles with this card in untamed edition tournaments. I want it maxed because it has poison ability at level 10 and mine is just level 5. This is why I am purchasing Untamed packs almost on a daily basis so I can upgrade my untamed team.

Serpentines tend to sneaky by nature. Serpentines have a huge army of spies. They all are highly trained and they have the ability to demolish the entire army of an opponent.
Serpentine spies come up with opportunity ability along with fast speed. So if you use inspire ability monster with this one then you can imagine the destruction. I have seen the wrath of this card in higher leagues. Due to its high speed, it attacks the opponent's weakest monster. And then there is no way of survival for that monster.


It has just two abilities opportunity and Poison. As I mentioned up there you get poison ability at max level. bUt opportunity ability is all the way.


Opportunity Monsters with opportunity ability can attack from any position and they prefer to target the enemy monster with the lowest health power.

Poison Monster with poison ability have the chance to apply poison. So when it happens then the target gets automatic damage at the beginning of each round so there is that.

My battle Using Serpentine Spy


Battle Link

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Ruleset of the battle


I was given Lost magic(Monsters with magic attacks weren't available) along with 22 Mana cap. As you can see in the screenshot that only two splinters were active. Fire and dragon. I used dragon splinter because my fire summoner is just level 6 and I was battling in the champion league. I wanted to use my maxed monsters so I decided to go with my Camila.

My lineup

Lord Arianthus

I used Lord Arianthus in the first place. It is because of its magic reflect and thorn ability also it has shield ability so it gets less damage from the melee, ranged and magic attack.


I used Manticore in the second place and yes reason is clear because it has the reach ability. And reach ability monsters can attack from second place.


I used FIENDISH HARPY in the third position. As I have mentioned in my previous battles this 2 mana monster is great because of its opportunity ability. And I must admit I use this monster quite often. I was looking to upgrade her maxed but it seems I missed the opportunity when she was cheaper now she is too much expensive. Almost 3$/BCX. I am regretting now. I need 23 BCX in order to max her up and I can't afford her right now.

Serpentine Spy

I used the Serpentine Spy the theme of the week in the fourth position. Already described its amazingness and you guys know what kind of amazing card it is.

I used FURIOUS CHICKEN in the fifth position. It always helps in saving up some opponent attacks. But here I had doubt my opponent will use opportunity monster too so yep my guess was true and you will see in the battle :P XD


I used SERPENTINE SOLDIER in the last position. It is because I had a doubt that my opponent might use sneak attack. So SERPENTINE SOLDIER has thorn and dodge abilities. But Vndragon didn't use any sneak attack. :P XD

When and specifically where (cause I need help on this!) do you use/put the SERPENTINE SPY?

Ok Yes, I also don't like its low health but still, I love this card because of its high speed and melee attack. I'd love using this card specifically in low mana games and I will try to use it with Tower Griffin and Flame monkey. Tower Griffin will provide armour and flame monkey has a repair and swiftness ability.

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All gif's dividers credit goes to @splinterlands.