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in #spud4steem4 years ago

Dear @kiwiscanfly !
The increase in this case is 3913.44% and i have calculated with at least 10 online solutions... i really don't know how you calculate the increase but it's a bit wrong.
In other matter... i really don't think it's fair to take in consideration all the amount in this case since its obvious what is happening here and why the account power up 4 times with a gap of time between. Like this i could ask as well during the day from my friends steem and do the same thing... Honest to be i really don't think this is ethical, but at the end of the day it your call since you are hosting this contest.
PS: @crypto.piotr, your comment say 100% what kind of person you are and what kind of character you have!


Hi @georgemales
thanks for your comment and thoughts, you are right my first calculation was off - let me try again..

  • Start 209sp
  • SPUD 8329sp
  • Total 8538sp
    so i worked out the % increase is 3985% - how are you working it out please?

As for the 4 different power ups, i looked at that and this will be discussed with other sponsors to gather their thoughts

@kiwiscanfly... Do you have a Discord account so i can tell you there something that i would like not to mention for the moment in the comment section...

sure, here it is

Great @kiwiscanfly... just send you there a friend request, if you have a bit of time we can chat!

As for the 4 different power ups, i looked at that and this will be discussed with other sponsors to gather their thoughts

I myself found it interesting to learn what do you think about it? Very interesting indeed.

Yours, Piotr

Steemed @georgemales:

PS: @crypto.piotr, your comment say 100% what kind of person you are and what kind of character you have!

What do you mean? I do not understand.

You activated an account (@florianghe) with 8 months of inactivity with 52 SP and 44 reputation, just the minimum to participate. With more than 2K Steem powerup, you made 3800% increase.
In obvious strategy.

My account, by contrast, has been active every day. I vote and comment daily. I have a wallet movement.

I had the support of several friends to be able to achieve that increase higher than yours.

So why should you express yourself like this about my friend @crypto.piotr?

Hey @creativeblue @crypto.piotr & @kiwiscanfly

Please, do not make unfounded allegations just for the sake of making it and defend your ground. My account and @georgemales are two different accounts managed by two different people. Yes, we are very good friends and whenever he asked me for help - resteemed, vote even though my vote doesn't matter much here - I was happy to oblige.

We entered the STEEM community at the same time before all this crazy hype surrounding crypto. In fact, I encouraged him to register and start posting here because I believed in the project. In the meantime, I stepped away and not because of STEEM but because how things are done in crypto, in general.

As for the #SPUD4STEEM contest, he encouraged me to enter as he knew my rep was low and had a good chance to win it if I powered up enough. He explained to me how the contest works, even though I didn't understand, at first. After a proper research, I found the contest interesting and decided to jump in.

Now, going back to what happened hours ago, @georgemales let me know that something was fishy with an entry - it was like 3 AM local time - and since it was late, I told him not to bother, it's the nature of the contest and there's nothing you can do about it. Yet, he didn't & after seeing your post, I understand why.

Let me tell you something, if you had simply followed the rules, nobody would have said anything. What do I mean by that? It's simple: just do like the guide tells you to do, not bend the rule just for the sake of winning the contest. First of all, I don't see any screen with your SP before the power up. And you know something? Let me tell you sth about @georgemales: last month, because he forgot to take a screen of his before-power-up SP, he didn't participate in the contest, even though he wanted to. He knew he couldn't follow the guidelines by the book and he elected to try the following month when he could do everything by the book. That's a fair and standout guy right here. A man with principles.

What do you do? You don't upload a screenshot with your SP before the power up & atop of it all, you create a confusing post with multiple power ups you call 'trust levels'. In other words, you don't act in the best interest of this contest: to make the work of the creators as simple as possible. Everyone has posted a before-the-power-up screen, a screen with the Power Up showing clearly the total number for the sake of simplicity, and an after-the-power-up screen. Easy. I don't respect what you did and neither did my good friend @georgemales. This is not an entry in the spirit of the competition, in my humble opinion.

If you have done that, neither @georgemales nor me nor anyone else would have said anything no matter the % of your increase.

So please, stop making accusations you know you can't support. @georgemales replied to your post just because you didn't follow the spirit of this contest and competition in general. I know he stood up for me at 3 - 4 AM in the morning and because of that, I'm proud of having him as a friend. That's a real friend right there & I hope you have some close friends like that, too. We all need it ;)


Thank you for your polite comment @florianghe

I'm not going to comment on it any more. It's clear to me that neither you or @creativeblue "broke" any rules here and I wish both of you all success in the future.

Unfortunatelly it seem that you don't think that way:

Let me tell you something, if you had simply followed the rules, nobody would have said anything

It got me very interested. I found it little strange to be "lectured" by user who has almost no history, no followers, pretty much didn't engage with anyone within past year.

But okey, let's say that you have right to lecture people who brought more value into steem blockchain than you ever did. I would love to hear: WHAT RULE did @creativeblue break?

I'm dying to know. Seriously, please quote - which rule was broken by anyone here.


Lol, so let me get this straight: just because I have no history here, I can't defend myself when somebody attacks me or my friends? Come on, now @crypto.piotr, let's just no take this conversation into that direction...

To answer your "dying" wish, if you take a look here where the guidelines are, you'll see rule #6 states:

6, Your post on 1 August must show screenshots of your account before > and after your power up, use the tag #spud4steem - please note daily > claimed rewards are not included in any % increase calculations.

English may not be my first language, but trust me, I've been around and I've written quite a bit to have 'the nerve' to analyze a certain English phrase. From what I know, 'must' refers to a mandatory action. Can you please point me to the screenshot @creativeblue inserted into his post that shows his SP before the power up? Because I for one, I don't see it.

And btw you talking to me like that and defending @creativeblue should mean you and @creativeblue are the same person and @crypto.piotr is just a steemit burner account, using @creativeblue logic. Of course, this is a sarcastic remark, I don't actually believe that, but I'm just trying to make a point here. Or am I not allowed to make a point or be sarcastic, for that matter, simply because I have no history here?

Dear @florianghe

You surely do have right to defend yourself if you're being attacked by someone. However, I don't really see anyone being attacked here. If anything - user behind @creativeblue (who is a member of our PH community) has been "attacked" first.

Either way. I would like to repeat my request: since you accused @creativeblue of breaking rules/guideliness - then please QUOTE those which this user indeed break.

It seem that even people who organize this contest didn't support your claim and I'm glad to see @creativeblue being fairly nominated.

And btw you talking to me like that and defending @creativeblue should mean you and @creativeblue are the same person and @crypto.piotr is just a steemit burner account,

The reason why I'm supporting creativeblue is simple - this is member of our community, which I also helped with SPUD (part of those 8k STEEM which he powered us are coming from my own pocket).

ps. perhaps instead of being frustrated that you didn't "win" main prize, you could actually focus on bringing any value to STEEM blockchain. Right now it does look like you didn't post in months, didn't comment also in months. Didn't curate either.
It's hard not to have impression, that your only goal was to power up those 2k to enjoy rewards. Not to actually do anything that could benefit any community on Steem.

BRING VALUE INTO STEEM and do not focus only on "grabing" rewards.

Yours, Piotr

Ok Mr @crypto.piotr, I will also repeat my answer CLEARLY stated above:

To answer your "dying" wish, if you take a look here where the guidelines are, you'll see rule #6 states:

6, Your post on 1 August must show screenshots of your account before > and after your power up, use the tag #spud4steem - please note daily > claimed rewards are not included in any % increase calculations.

'must' refers to a mandatory action. Can you please point me to the screenshot @creativeblue inserted into his post that shows his SP before the power up? Because I for one, I don't see it.

Dear @florianghe

Please allow me to ask you a question: how many users did you support last month with valuable comment? How many posts did you upvote last month? And how many posts did you create last month?

By looking at your profile I see zero,zero,zero.

It's seriously sad to see how badly you're focused on grabbing some rewards instead of actually trying to bring any value to STEEM.

It's obvious that this is your only goal here. And I cannot say that users who care only about their own benefits, instead of bringing value to blockchain - would be welcome here.

What kind of user are you ? One trying to do something good here or one trying to milk STEEM rewards ?


Since you've copy+pasted same comment, then let me share link to my reply:

I must admit, that I found it entertaining to see how badly you care about winning some free tokens. Wish you would at least part of this effort and time invest into bringing ANY value at all into steem blockchain.

Perhaps instead of caryying so much about free tokens and rewards - you should actually care about being active and supportive towards others.

Like I've mentioned before: your history proves absolutely lack of engagement, zero comments, no posts. No followers. It's sad and so obvious that the only thing you seem to care is "rewards".

I presume in a month time you won't even be around any more.


Dear @florianghe, @kiwiscanfly, @georgemales:

I share the same point of view with @crypto.piotr.

It got me very interested. I found it little strange to be "lectured" by user who has almost no history, no followers, pretty much didn't engage with anyone within past year.

But okey, let's say that you have right to lecture people who brought more value into steem blockchain than you ever did.

#spud4steem is about showing trust and commitment to Steem Blockchain.

This is accomplished by maintaining constant daily activity on the platform. You should never abandon an account and retake it only for eventual interests.

Dear @creativeblue

You may have a good point about @florianghe and @georgemales, however it seem to me that noone here is actually breaking any rules announced by @kiwiscanfly.

For many users SPUD is surely a competition and I believe that everyone who does follow written terms and conditions should be treated fairly.

And rules didn't mention that user powering up needed to be active. Also didn't mention that powering up in stages is against rules.

Yours, Piotr

Dear @georgemales, @kiwiscanfly

your comment say 100% what kind of person you are and what kind of character you have!

What an interesting and provocative comment. So ... what kind of person am I?

And what did you learn from me based on my feedback?

i really don't think it's fair to take in consideration all the amount in this case since its obvious what is happening here

And what do you think is happening here?

I was also wondering - does account @florianghe belong to you, as @creativeblue mentioned?

Yours, Piotr