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RE: Monkee Business : Day 9

in #spunkeemonkee6 years ago

any more thoughts or action on talents and career?
I can't wait to hear your music, or see your artwork. Maybe some of the art or music can be something you might want to explore for a career? You have the talent!

Today's points: 80
Total To date earned: 990
You have quite a bit built up in points. do you want to use some for a Monkee Dig? Chance to win some prizes? Other Monkees have explored the Monkee Map, and been to make Dig or two. You might want to soon, too... before all the cool prizes are gone.

Well DONE! @azuredorsal for @spunkeemonkee


It's a little difficult to think about career every day. Some days I think about it, but some days I am thinking about what is happening with school and homework.

I have a lot of thoughts but I do not think all of them are worth sharing. Unless you consider wondering where frogs go during the winter a special thought :)

Sure! Why not? You never know what kinds of amazing things can spin off those seemingly random thoughts.

I say - share - and let's all start wondering together! LOL