My Choice

in #stach7 years ago

I want you all to know that this decision was made after careful thinking...

I've been wondering

Why do I stick to the one that doesn't want me when I have millions that'll give their all for my presence
Why struggle for an Autograph when someone else is willing to crest a tattoo
Why wish for someone's laughter when someone else would be satisfied if you could just smile

Then I decided...
Leave who you want cause who wants you sounds better
Snob who snobbed you and give the big grin to that green light
Life is to short to chase after shadows

You gat it all
Appreciate yourself and welcome who appreciates you
Friends are to be loved but it could mean something more
If giving your all doesn't pay, withdraw even the part someone else gave.

You are too good to settle for less
Too fine to beg for love
Too Rich to crave for attention

Just a piece of my big heart


Don't forget I Love You


Love that, love u too. Wise words