When Smile is a Gift

in #stach6 years ago

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I want to write about smiling.
When we smile or laugh, it does not necessarily mean that we are having the best of moments but that we are just being positive because that's the best way to live life. It's not pretense but an attitude. There's no need letting our wells of joy to get clogged by negativities (bad breaks, people's attitudes, unmet expectations)

The best three gifts you can give to people are; the gift of your smile, the beauty of your appearance and the purity of your attention.

They said first impression matters and this is true. When people meet you for the first time, how will they record your memory in their minds? Will they label you as a garrulous, an enigma, compromising, amazing, humorous, electrifying, entertaining, sarcastic, loving, responsive, professional?

Business is all about meeting people's needs and human wants are insatiable. Every human being is selfish and learning to help them achieve their selfishness will keep you in business. The most important sound to any person in every language is the person's name. The most important face in a group picture is your face.

Words and actions are the first way people conclude or make assessment of your personality. We as much have the power to change what people think about us and influence how they treat us. If you want to be treated friendly, then be friendly. If you want to be given gifts, then give. If you want friends then be a friend to someone.

Someone may misjudge your Intentions. They may not accept your "NOs" because they always want a "YES", people are naturally selfish and you may not always meet their needs or greed and so they lable you with different impressions but that should not change who you are. You are a custodian of your happiness. In saying "NO" do not lose your personality. Be jovial and truthful about it. Keep your smile on. Be serious and be playful. Be hearty in approbation but lavish in love.

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A smile testimony

One day a white German girl concluded that the best way to outlive her heartbreak is to comit suicide, while on her journey to death, she noticed a woman in the bus smiling at her. This woman's face was radiating beams of happiness that made the girl to ask what is the matter with her.
The woman said nothing.
She got home and as she brought her suicide drug she kept seeing that strange woman's face, this smile softened her heart and she grinded the drugs under her foot.

What's the import of this?
We may not know when God is using our face to win a soul.
It has been proved scientifically that frown makes the facial muscles to constrict and reduces the flow of blood in the vein thus causing blood pressure.


People who smile live longer. Man's nature was designed not to contain negativity. Our primordial ancestors lived more than 500 years because sin was not practiced the way it's being practiced now. Their world was a friendly one. They loved, and were happy with each other until Satan deceived some of his demons to take flesh and introduce wickedness upon the earth. Man was designed to always be happy and not to worry about anything. Nothing reduces a person's life span as anxieties, stress, depression, worry, fear, rejection etc. You can be different.

Frown is not the best way to show people that we are unhappy, smile is.

Be encouraged. Live life full of health and vigor. You may not have money now but you can affect people through the way you live. Be a nice smelling fragrance in this putrefying and odoriferous world. Bring hope to people who are at the verge of giving up. Be the difference you want in people.
