in #stach7 years ago (edited)

Sometimes a good deed or a kind gesture can't be paid back to the person who did it for you, sometimes there's no need to pay it back, but a similar kindness can be shown to someone else in need, this is the crux of paying forward, repaying an act of kindness by showing someone else a similar kindness.


Pay forward, or to "Pay it Forward" is the act of repaying a good deed to others instead of the original benefactor.
A lot of us are always so hung up on repaying debts and acts of kindness to people who don't need to be repaid when there are people in our societies who we can show a similar kindness to.

Let's take for instance, the STACH Project that is setting up hubs all around Nigeria and basically started what has become the largest and hottest community in Nigeria; those of us who have benefited from this can't possibly hope to pay the creators back for their efforts, but what we can do is show the same kindness that he's shown us to other Steemians and other people in our society, what we can do is Pay it Forward.


Well in case you're wondering how you can Pay it Forward, here are some simple ways you can do that on steemit and in your society.

  • Always hold the door open for people behind you: Being a gentleman is always welcomed
  • Visit the "introduceyourself" feed more often and welcome and offer some guidance to newbies: The newbies need our guidance, steemit can be a scary place, and if you don't know what to do you might just give up.
  • Hit the resteem button more often: if you see quality content then please let the rest of us see it too.
  • Clean out your old clothes and donate them to charity: What's old to you might be brand new to someone else, put some clothes on somebody's back today and watch how that good deed will make you feel
  • Read people's posts intently and drop heartfelt comments of encouragement: We all just want to be appreciated right? So how about you encourage people when they make great posts
  • Go to a hospital and donate some blood: A little blood could make a world of difference in someone's life, selfless acts like this save more lives than you can imagine
  • Volunteer at a hospital, orphanage, retirement home and donate your time to helping others: If you can donate any money or SBD then donate your time, who knows your smile could brighten a total strangers day.
  • Give out your old phones or laptops, don't sell them: We mustn't turn a profit every time, sometimes its good to give these things out, that outdated iPhone might just change someone's life.
  • Buy a house warming gift for a new neighbour: Welcome people properly, and in turn they will welcome others the same way.
  • Tip a newbie if their introductory post is really nice: Who doesn't like being tipped?? Spread the love and surely they will spread it as well.
  • Check up on friends and even strangers who seem upset: A problem shared is a problem half solved, not everyone knows how to share their problems, sometimes showing a little care can make it easy for them, besides, you just might be able to solve their problem.
  • Support and patronize start-ups and small businesses: start ups are usually owned by people like you and me, but most start ups fold in their first year, why not patronize them instead of the bigger brands, it goes a long way.
  • Leave your change with kids who sell "satchet water": These kids don't go to school and they make less than 500 naira a day, why not leave that 20naira or 40 naira change with them, I'm sure they'd appreciate it.
  • Set aside a portion of your earnings and donate some to charity every month: Well they say blessed is the hand that giveth, not the one that taketh, doing this could change somebody's life somewhere.
  • Buy gifts for your friends, don't wait till its their birthday.: Charity begins at home right, if you can't donate to charity, then how bout making your special ones happy by buying them something nice every now and then.
  • Pay for a strangers meal at a restaurant, canteen or " bhuka": Kind gestures will always be appreciated, especially when it comes to food, pay for a complete strangers meal, and I guarantee, he/she will do the same for someone else one day.
  • Mentor and tutor people who need it: If you have something to offer someone who doesn't know as much as you do then mentor them, groom them to become as good or even better than you, one day they'll do the same for someone else.
  • Help people carry their bags, especially when it looks like they're struggling: I don't know about you, but my parents taught me to always carry the bags of people that are much older than me, who knows, one day somebody might carry mine.
  • Try not to litter and always use a trash bin, keep the planet clean!!!.: Save the planet today and the future generations will thank us tomorrow.
  • Cook food and invite your friends and neighbours over: Start a cycle of generosity with your friends, and nothing says generosity more than free food!!!
  • Teach someone a skill you know: You good at programming, Graphic design etc??, then pass that knowledge on and empower someone today.
  • If you're buying food at a restaurant and you've got a little extra cash, buy food for a homeless person: That homeless guy/girl that lives by the street deserves to eat good food too!! Show him/her some love today.
  • Compliment people more often: Everybody loves compliments, kind words will always be welcomed.
  • Hug your friends more often: Quote me, " A hug a day, keeps all the negative energy away.
  • Drop words of encouragement more often, tell that friend of yours that you're proud of them today.: "Good job", " I'm proud of you", these two statements can brighten anyone's day.
  • Sponsor a contest on steemit: Won a couple contests on steemit?? How bout you give someone a chance to win something out of your own pocket for a change.
  • Stand up for someone in need, lend your voice to someone who needs it.: Fight for a cause that's not your own!!! You dont need to have any personal gain before you do this.
  • Make yourself available for newbies to ask for help when they need it: Reply their messages on steemit chat and discord, most times they just need a little guidance
  • Encourage people to join steemit, then guide them through the entire process, guide your minnows.: Tell people about steemit, get them on the platform then show them the way!!! Don't bring them on board then abandon them.
  • Finally, if someone tries to pay you back for something, ask them to PAY IT FORWARD:

This world can be a cruel place, but kindness, generosity and selflessness are what make it worth living.
Pay it forward today and let the kindness you've received reach all of Steemit and your entire community.

Drop your contribution in the comment section.

Authored by @Francistagbo

STACH is a physical Accelerator Hub dedicated to decentralizing the offline by breaking the barriers to accessing the internet like light, internet and conducive working space.

Steem Accelerator Hub... decentralizing the offline!
STACH is supported by @Sndbox as a Sndcastle project.Stc.JPG


It is good to be good to others...

Of course.. I agree with your opinion...
All it pay it forward...
Thanks for your shared...
Success is always for your @stach...

Thank you very much for your kind words, paying forward is the ultimate means of showing love on steemit @boyelleq

What a wonderful piece to cling on! You are on point. Your words are just captivating, and I really learned from it. As I was reading, kindness sank into my heart. "PAY IT FORWARD!" That's my slogan from now, @stach

May that slogan remain with you for the rest of your days @eliasjay, Pay it forward!!!!. Thank you for reading.

Exactly. These are ways with which we can all repay the kindness we recieve from other people. Some people actually think if they are not yet stinkingly rich, it is not there duty to give out. This post goes a long way in correcting their wrong notions.

You're so right @donaldpete we need to correct these notions, its our duty to help people, whether or not we're rich!!! Pay it forward brother and let others follow your lead.

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvote this reply.

We should learn to do good to all men as much as you can,you always reap what you sow,and don't look for people to pay you,God always have his ways of paying your good works .

You took the words right out of my mouth @asekevwe, thank you so much for reading.

I kept on reading, wanting to stop but I couldn't apply through brakes. My eyes ate the words off the plate of screen of my phone. The lure of the words wouldn't let go of me... Too hot to drop.

These points are excellent. I couldn't disgree with anyone of them. Basic courtesy. Growing and helping others grow.

@francistagbo, you are such a gifted writer. I am following you right away.

Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm happy that my words were able to touch you the way that they did. Please take them to heart and inculcate others with the spirit of paying forward.

Has been followed and resteemed....
Success is always for @stach...
I believed that your good opinion...

I really love this post!! The aspect i like most and that made me feel guilty most is the part that says "Always hold the door open for people behind you" since i started last month i have never visited the introduceyourself area! I will definitely change from now on. Thanks for the post @stach it was helpful.

Thanks for reading @bigeolamt, glad I could help.

Wow... What a good composition. That is the hub of steemit community. Pay it forward to those that do not have, pay it forward in actions and deeds, in tutoring and teaching. In every area we can make world a better place for everybody. Discarding the gulf between the people. This is a wonderful notion you have broached here and i lend my voice by saying PAY IT FORWARD

Thank you @baboyed1000 if everybody in the world would focus on paying forward then I assure you, the world would be a better place.