The Ultimate guide to blogging..

in #stach7 years ago (edited)

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Looking around on the steemit platform, you see people making tons of money from their blog. Sometimes these people generate thousands of dollars a day, sure that's rare, but there're a lot of people who're generating five to
ten grand USD a month from their blogs.

I'm going to share few tips on how you can make your blog generate massive income. I had to interview successful steemians to get most of these tips.

  • You Need To Pick A Niche

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Pick A Niche To Blog About What You're Passionate About.

How do you know what to blog about? The answer to that question lies within your passion. If you're really passionate about something, you should probably consider blogging about that thing versus something that just makes money. If you don't love what you do, you're going to eventually quit, so blog about something you love, you have to be passionate about it.

  • Make Your Articles Appealing

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In writing your articles, there are a few things you need to know;

  • If it's not appealing, people aren't going to read it.
    One question you should ask yourself when writing an article is; "if I stumbled on this article would I want to read it?" If no, what makes you think that others would want to read it. If you don't, then don't write it. If other people are willing to read it, great. So you have to be willing to read it before others will. Ask people, make a survey, talk to your buddies, friends, people that you know, "hey would you like to read this article about men's fashion or how you can match colors?", if you get a positive feedback, then write it.

Find out if others are interested.

  • Your headline has to be catchy.
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Go to portent, they have this headline formula, they'd teach you how to write really persuasive headlines. They even give you a formula and a tool, you just have to type in keywords and you'd be able to create really cool headlines from that.
Content Idea Generator - Portent

  • Outline Your Post Before Writing.


Now that you've got your headline, outline your post before writing. Think about your high school days, when you write the introduction, body and conclusion. The body has subheadings, so just write the introduction, write the conclusion, adding your subheadings and then fill the rest out. That's how you get started with writing your first blog post.

Outline your post before writing

  • Your Paragraphs Should Not Be Too Long
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Do Not Use More Than 5-6 Lines Per Paragraph In Your Blog Post.

When you're writing your blog post each paragraph can't be more than five or six lines, if it's more than five or six lines, what's going to happen is that it's going to be too overwhelming for people, no one wants to read a ten to fifteen line paragraph, it just too much.

  • Use The Word "YOU" and "I"
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Also use the words "you" and "I" within your blog post, that way, it's like a conversation, people would interact and engage with you and then, they'd leave comments. Why? Because your content is engaging. You can also ask a question at the end of your conclusion, which will help create more engagement because that will spur more people to leave comments and when they leave a comment respond to them, don't be a prick, if someone asks you a question in person, you'd respond to them. Do the same with your blog. Once you've got your blog post out, you of course should link the people within your blog post to back up the main points you want to make or any other cool blogs you feel will benefit your readers.

Questions Create Reader Engagement

Respond To All Questions On Your Blog Post To Help build followership.

  • Be Consistent

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Once you've figured that out, you should do it on a consistent basis. Write at least three post a week, but ideally you should be blogging five days in a week. Over the course of six months to a year, you'd have built up a big base of readers.

Content marketing


How is it that anytime you write a post, no one reads it. Under this subheading you'd learn how to promote you content with as little as zero followers.

When You Write A Blog Post, Link Out To Relevant Sources

Even if it's a competitor, that's OK, don't worry about it. If someone has other amazing content, that would benefit your readers, link out to them, it really is that simple, because by doing that you're putting them first, it shows trust, as you build more trust, people will love you and will keep coming back.
Let's say I'm writing a detailed article on marketing and there is some stats on how many people are clicking on paid ads and how much revenue google is making or how much, I'd use other websites that have stats to back up the point that I'm making and I'd link out to them.
In general, everytime you have a two thousand word blog post, you should link out to at least 10-20 sources. You shouldn't link out for the sake of it, you should only link out when it benefits other people.
Each time you link out and this benefits your readers, they'd become fund of your blog post, because they're learning more. In addition to that, the people you're linking out will also love you, because you're bringing more readers to their respective blogs.

Let's say you linked out to @stach, you could message @stach, saying;
Hey @stach,
I love your work, so much so that I even linked out to you in my latest [blog post](insert link).
Feel free to check it out.

P. S, if you resteem this post, it wouldn't just make my day, it'd make my year.
When you do that, a lot of people would feel flattered because you linked out to them, plus their content is amazing, so why wouldn't you link out to them. They could resteem your post, share the links on groups on different platforms and this would help you get more traffic.

Writing A Blog Post, That People Will Actually read.

There loads and loads of blog posts on steemit and people can't read all of them.

8 Out Of 10 will read your headline, 2 Out Of 10will click on the article.

If you're going to write a blog post, there are a few things that you need to know.

  • Step 1: Write with the words "YOU and "I"

Like I said earlier, if you don't include the words "YOU" and "I", people aren't going to feel like its a conversation. If they don't feel like its a conversation, they're going to think of it as a university lecture and they're going to leave. When you're more conversational with people, they're more likely to engage, read and respond.

  • Step 2: Your Paragraphs Can't Be More Than 5 or 6 lines.

The moment they're more than 5 or 6 lines, it would be just too overwhelming, people don't want to go through that.

  • Step 3: Use Subheadings.

Subheadings break down sections within your blog post, which makes it easier to skim. Without subheadings, people won't be able to get the main ideas of your content without reading the whole thing, which means you're going to get less readers.

  • Step 4: Make Sure You Use A Conclusion.

Write a conclusion anytime you create a blogpost and label that conclusion "CONCLUSION". It keeps it really simple and people can scroll down, read your conclusion, know what your blog post is about and decide if they want to scroll back up and read the rest. I know that's weird but that actually is the visitors/readers pattern when they are scrolling through and reading your blog post.

Adding A Conclusion To Blog Posts Helps The Reader To Read More.

A lot of people go down, read the conclusion, then go back up.

  • Step 5: Make Sure You Cite Your Information.

Don't just come up with facts and data, without siting it. If you do that, most people looking for quality information may not come back.

  • Step 6: Use Photos.

As they say, "a picture says a thousand words". If using graphics and images to explain the message that you're trying to convey, people are much more likely to read and stick around.

  • Step 7: Make Sure Your Article Is Really Thorough And Actionable.

If someone reads your article and they're like; "oh cool, I know I can go do something after reading this". They're going to be like; "great I should keep reading the content"

If you follow these tactics you're going to create blog posts that people actually want to read.

Authored by @Vwovwe.

STACH is a physical Accelerator Hub dedicated to decentralizing the offline by breaking the barriers to accessing the internet like light, internet and conducive working space.

Steem Accelerator Hub... decentralizing the offline!
STACH is supported by @Sndbox as a Sndcastle project.Stc.JPG

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Thank you so much for putting this together. My steeming just got easier with the knowledge i gained from the post.

Cool! Congrats

Thanks for stopping by

Thank you for sharing.this will really help me.

You're welcome, hope it guides you well

Well.. guess what two years ago I wanted to be a blogger cos I thought there was nothing to it and maybe I felt it was the easiest way to make money..
wait until you here the price of some useful blogging gadget
Then I know I had to give credit to those who do that
It had me doing lots of brain works
Cos you have to stay top of your games
And you have to know ' a lot about everything '
Well I gave up(which I regret)
But then ... now I can't look down on any blogger
Well done sir📖📖📓📓📓

@stach this is beautiful. Nobody told me this in the first place.. This will be my guide because it can be very frustrating after writing a brilliant post and nobody curates it😥.
Just added conclusion to my last health post.
Please go check it out. Still trying to find my feet though

That's nice, conclusion is a very important part of a write-up. I'm glad you found the information useful.

This is really helpful.
Thanks for the lecture

You're welcome

Blogging is hard work but it's also very rewarding n not just financially. I v some of these tips in mind hope I'm able to inculcate the rest. Thanks @stach

Thanks @stach for this post. I'll make this my reference point for my future posts.

Wow, that's cool. Thanks for stopping by

Wow! Excellent !!!
Thank you

This will go a long way of educating everyone. Thank you so much

Yeah, it will. Thanks for stopping by

Useful info, however, what's the difference between "link out" and spamming?