Now that STEEM is MIT Licensed, just what exactly would a STEEM clone be competing against?
Steem is a little over a year old and we have seen it become significantly diversified with global coverage.
Lets look at the stats for just April alone.
Sessions from the top ten countries are as follows:
The US naturally dominates but is now less than 40% of all traffic.
Its interesting that Germany and South Korea find themselves in the top 5 and Spain is also in the top 10
This speaks to the fact that there are community initiative to promote specifically these foreign languages (German, Spanish, Korean)on
Russian was also featured early on although we see less Russian language posts, now that golos is around.
Indonesia has clearly grown organically through word of mouth and kinship connections, as a significant part of social network usually propagate.
@gavvet, that's right, in Indonesia especially in aceh, steemit is growing from mouth to mouth, while enjoying a cup of coffee in a coffee shop, steemit is often the topic of our conversation, I myself got information about steemit from my best friend while we were drinking coffee.
How much SP does Indonesia own?
@clayop, If that's me do not know it ;)
Haha okay :)
Haha Happy to meet and have followed you :)
I love the strong flavor of SEA coffee! yum... :)
@deanlinu You have to try the gayo plain coffee coming from aceh, it's amazing, it's nice to get to know your coffee enthusiasts 😀
Yup, if you follow the Aceh tag and take note of the posts you can see the kinship and social connections that pre-exist coming to the site.
@gavvet, Yes, almost all users in steemit know each other and from steemit i got many new friends from aceh, if from abroad still little, maybe language becomes obstacle for us to communicate good ..
@harferri, let's create a local community in aceh so we can make a meeting directly and discuss about steemit, give input and contribution so that aceh tag will be global in steemit, inc
@muth, I think it's a very interesting and very fun idea to be part of the steemit community.
Very interesting ... steem has been global and I myself as a citizen of Indonesia and especially Aceh province dominate it in my country. I myself was introduced by my friend. Thank you for sharing information.
It's so amazing seeing everybody unite under one common purpose, global peace.
The growth in Aceh is great.
I am happy in this community, many things about the other world we can know through steemit,inc. Let alone most user friendly @gavvet
Very well formulated post! I have always been curious to see the data you have presented in this post.
Is there an application you used to gather the data?
Thank you for your support and contributions you have given to the SteemIt community!
Steem on,
This is the Google Analytics data for the site.
I do more detailed analysis with the entire data-set in other aplications but GA is sufficient in this case to visualize the data adequately.
Didn't know that. Thank you for your response and keep up the great work!
Have a great day!
With the other applications I can visually pinpoint the house in the street you live on...(if no masking of sorts is in place) and now the US government is removing protections from that and browsing information...
got to love it...
@berniesanders mocks people for being sexually abused when they were children. Community remains silent.
I couldn't agree more, every piece of the post had my mind racing with Steem Power.
Wow!!! We, the majority of inhabitants on the planet Earth who don't speak English have internet? Awesome
It's a virus I tell you, a virus....
lol thanks
Viruses that penetrate the human mind and certainly the positive side can contribute to the steemit community,inc @gavvet
It's good information, keep on updating information about the global steemit user statistics
I could see clones fulfilling the needs of a smaller niche topic for users around the world. Maybe a steem clone for users of VW Bugs all around the world just as an example off the top of my head.
golos is an attempt at exactly that.
Seems like a groups or clubs option in steem could deal with that issue
Communities will definitely change a lot of things
Scaling Steem/Steemit up should be good for everyone. Forking the code to create different sites and currencies may mean none would get big. I'm not sure Golos was such a great idea. Would be better to have ways to filter Steemit by language, and not just using tags
It was an experiment, the natural world experiments by mutation and hence more adapted species can emerge.
We're already seeing various experiments around Steemit. Lots of clever people out there who could do wonderful things with it. An open platform encourages that.
Fantastic report! Makes me wonder WTF is up with Wyoming being the only state w/out a dot.
It does have quite a few, if you drill into the state itself... It's just overwhelmed by the higher volumes from other states, so that it doesn't show up at the national scale.
Solves that mystery, Scoob! Good to know they're still kicking out there, lol.
The plan of world domination is taking shaping ;)
The world is dominated already ... by greed. How many people own the majority of Steemit?
World is there, domination takes a little longer...