
How to be involved when the Guilds won't let you in or you are banned from Steemit.Chat for being a whistleblower?

Blackmailing and threats will never get you positively involved anywhere... that's what got you banned from chat. You were using it to threaten people.

Some of the things I said were a joke to arouse a response from the invisible Steem-Guild cult. I indeed brought their team out of the woodwork and caught many of them in their silly ideologies of changing the trending page so that they can continue to rape the pool and not look bad, claiming to be entitled to top trending post of the day because you are SG staff among other things. All of this has been recorded by me on screenshots. By banning me from Steemit.Chat I have been banished from the community and unable to communicate with many of my friends. Steemit is becoming centralized trash because of this cronyism, greed and corruption and I certainly will no longer be bringing any friends here.

That's what you say now... but we all know what really went down during your little melt down, I hope you are feeling better now, but I don't suppose you are, since you continue demonstrating your ignorance and spewing your venomous unsubstantiated drivel.

You can read minds now? What are you, Satan? You really don't back down do you. Hypocrite. You really think I'm stupid enough to try to blackmail my way into your secret Illuminati voting cult? Do you think I would want to self upvote myself with Ned's account like you greedy pigs do? I would not want my posts at the top of the trending page as they are not Trending page quality. So if I was really trying to get into your club why was I keeping screenshots of all of the conversations for later evidence against you?