in #steamiteducation6 years ago

Losing a loved one is difficult, but when it is your child it is just a little more difficult. 

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I read this story about a father who was so good to his daughter, and he really just lived for her. Then she got sick, and he tried every possible way to help her, but she died anyway.  No one could help her at all.

Life does not work like that you have to try to go on as it is not yet your turn to pass over. But this father just could not get used to being without her and he became a lonely man. 

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He stayed away from all his friends and did not want any help. 

Life was given to us to live, not to sulk or cry all the time, and even if it is difficult you have to go on living, and he did not. 

He became a recluse and wanted nothing to do with anybody. There were so many people who tried to help him but he did not want to know anything about them and chased them away. 


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They did not know what to do, so in the end they gave up and just left him to survive as he was not living. 

One night he went to bed and had this dream. He dreamt that he was in heaven, and all the little children were running around with their little candles in their hands and playing in a concert. He was watching and he saw that one of the children did not have a flame in her candle. 

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After a while he realised that it was his child running with all the other children but her candle was dead. 

He went nearer and asked her, why do you not have a lit candle like all the other children in heaven? 

She told him that as long as he goes on surviving life and not living it she cannot get a lit candle as his tears always took the flame from her candle.

This story made me think how sad it is if we do not just try to live the life God has given us the way he wants to. 

It is very difficult to lose a child, but as I said yesterday God will not bring anything on your path you cannot handle. 

He does test us to see how we will handle things in our way, and this father did not handle it very well. 

When he woke up from the dream he realised how selfish he was, as there were so many people who cared about him and he did not appreciate anything. 

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So think before you just give up, there are other people who will also hurt, and if you all stand together and pray and be thankful to God life will get better in time. 

I really hope you liked my story and have a wonderful day from me. 



Great post dear

Wow excellent post dear @bigbear..... i love your all post...?

great history dear..
thanks for sharing.

great post,very good informative, my dear friend @bigbear

i like your article.

Yes its a kind of a God's test, He always test us by losing our kids, crops, money ,animal etc , so we will have to pass this test but its not easy , we will have to have lot of patience for this.

Parents have everything in the child. They live with life.

Excellent post congratulations friend

excellent blog.....informative also

Not just the father alone, it's both the father and mother. I know how it means to lose someone. I lost my kid sister three years ago. It was horrible. It really affected my mother a lot.