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RE: Steem is on Sale - About Market...

in #steeam6 years ago (edited)

I'm nothing but a minnow but I have invested great time and effort to build my feed... so not ready to give up on it... I decided when the down trend started not to pay attention anymore to the prices... not what I earn, not what steem cost... no nothing... everyone says is a good accumulation time.. I honestly cannot invest... but at least I try not to hant or stop... my time is more limited, but I haven't given up on this. I see things I don't like, and sorry if I'm bold and say the use of bidbots is not something I entirely approve (or maybe I'm a romantic naive and I find the satisfaction of having grown organicallym but that was my free personal choice) still not preaching or judging, just addressing the fact that this is a harsh moment, for all of us... will this be zero and all our efforts vain... are we ready for a deep dive? I'm not really good at diving I may say, or hold my breath... but I feel the gasp of fresh air will come, and so I thrive.


Just so you know, I'm building a frontend that filters out any promoted posts giving a trending feed back to organically trending content. There's also a bit more emphasis on vote amount rather than stake only.

Hopefully other devs will follow suite and there'll be multiple options for people in the future, who wish not to spend their precious free time scrolling through promoted content. They shouldn't be forced to, that's my opinion.

I think promotion would not be a bad thing if they were promoting meaningful things, I mean you make a release, why not promoting it? but not as for the abuse just for the sake of "mining" with almost any shitpost they want to send to trend... I feel very proud the community sent me there once... organically... I cannot say I will never used them... maybe sometime I think I have something significant of the inversion but the abuse makes it almost like a bad thing to be there... and certainly gives a dismal front-face to the platform to outcomers surfing in

"I think promotion would not be a bad thing if they were promoting meaningful things" - Well that's just bad for business, sadly. It's been that way since the start of promotion bots and that's why I'm finally trying to at least make staying an option for myself by building an alternative view into Steem blockchain. I rather not look at trending anymore and that's a very bad sign for the longevity of this platform if change doesn't happen.

Steem has been a joke as a content platform, and those who are having doubts about it just take a look at our trending to confirm it. And even worse, the trending makes our own good content creators feel worse also. There's so many negative aspects about it but because it's very profitable, it does not matter. Short term profits over everything else, that's how the world runs around us, Yidneth.

Sorry for late reply, took a little vacation :)

I agree with you, I actually hate the bidbots!! Keep in there the price of steem was much lower not so very long ago!!

Hi @yidneth do not think about who you are now. Do not underestimate yourself. Keep calm and continue the way you can. It's not important what you are now, it's important what you will be and it depends on the way you see yourself. Go ahead of the mirror, look at you and you'll see how important you are. Regards

Yes indeed. Nothing is better than the positive attitude.

Thank you For Giving A Valuable Knowledge @chbartist I Think Success is a dynamic term which means different things to different people. The definition of success is very personal as each person carves for themselves, their own meaning of the word. This is as a result of the different definition of success to different people.
There are different aspects of life in which people crave to succeed in, on a daily basis. To some people, their utmost priority is to make more money than they already have, possibly achieve that millionaire dreams of theirs. Some want a happy family, yet others crave fame and power. There are others still, whose only ambitions are career or academic success.

Identifying what you want goes a long way in paving the path towards success. In a nutshell, success simply means achieving set goals. Setting goals help you eliminate what is unnecessary and helps you focus on what really matters.
Thank You.

Do not underestimate yourself. Keep calm and continue the way you can. It's not important what you are now, it's important what you will be .
Very encouraging.

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