Steem Cartoon : Painting with Shapes (Triangles & Pentagon)
I would like to share an experimental work that I created using technical digital painting by combining two shapes, which are the triangle and the pentagon. In my previous posting I only used one shape but let us try two shapes this time around. The subject of my experiment is a Honey Bee. I find this a very suitable subject.
I first stat with a rough sketch on the location that is suitable for the subject. After I am done with the sketch again I will do some touchup so that it is in a position that will be suitable for my use of shapes.
I choose flat colour and I break it down to a 3 layer in my photoshop. This is to make colouring easier.
After playing with the colour on the bee, we try to get a range of suitable colours.
This technique is used on the flowers. Try finding the suitable colours within the range of medium colour.
Colour the background. This process I will try to use soft tone colour to reduce the colour contrast. I think I am a little unimpressed with the result, so I reject this approach.
I try to revamp the background colours by choosing a colour that is soft so that the bee which is in the foreground will standout more.
I will detail each part of the bee by using the triangle form.
You can see the process of rendering the details on the wings of the bee. I will use the pentagon shape on the small and fine lines on the wings and I will be using the eraser to remove the parts which are unnecessary.
Now you can see the result that I have done after finishing the process of medium rendering.
This is the final rendering and the touch up on the parts which is weak. I will reak the shape on the flowers to give the feeling that the bee is sucking the nectarine.
This is the finished artwork.
credit to @zomagic

Can’t wait to get my hands on your book. Please make it happen! 🙏
ahaha I was supposed to get your signature first 😉haha tq bro
The color choice are prettyy! Love the way you approach new things. I'm learning a lot from you ^_^
Thank you @elliebong . it's my pleasure sharing it with this awesome community.Hopefully useful for you.Thanks again for that thumbs up cartoon it is awesome haha.
Yess very useful I learn a bit about colors and makes me want to try it out too :D
This is amazing! I want to learn how to do this!
Marvelous technique.. great results indeed. I wosh I know how to make it bu myself....
awesome post to share...
Thank you @abgmie !!You can try this technique on your caricature .it is easy to learn.Just need passion and practices...
Brapa lama nak buat siapkan artwork ni? btw awesome technique ^^
Thanks @akmalbastamam! ..sebenarnya saja nak cari sesuatu yang fresh ..Ok untuk semua proses ini ambil masa dalam 3 jam juga.
Thank you :).
Dude that's amazing... Not in a million years I'd be able to do that haha
haha cannot be accepted bro.Trust me you can do it
Lots of training needed :) and with your tutorials that will help a lot :D
very weak technique. ha ha haa... i am jeles!
Thank you master @gayour . I'm feeling strong after reading your comments.haha