Steem Elevator Pitch Contest

in #steem-elevator5 years ago (edited)

You are at a major blockchain event. You want to convince me that Steem has a bright future ahead and is worth investing in. The problem is that I'm pretty busy so you'll have to pitch you idea during my elevator ride, that happens to be exactly one minute.

Elevator pitch

An elevator pitch is a pretty common but difficult exercise in the startup world. You usually have somewhere between 30 seconds and 2 minutes to convince a jury that your idea is awesome. It's important to be able to keep it this short to make sure that you have a clear vision about what the project aims to achieve and what it is at its core. A project is not just just a bunch of features stacked together, it needs to have a clear direction.
In the case of Steem, a blockchain with so many features, it will be a particularly complex task. It would probably be easier to make a 30 minutes video about it. But busy people don't have 30 minutes to give you right away, they might later, but first you will need to convince them during this first minute.


  • Post a video of you pitching the Steem blockchain, on 3speak, dTube or other video platform.
  • Make a post on Steem using the steem-elevator tag.
  • The video has to be 1 minute long at maximum. Not 1:05, not 1:01, 1:00. In these kind of pitches, the interlocutor wouldn't hesitate to stop you mid-sentence if you are taking too long.
  • 1 minute is extremely short, carefully chose which topics are the most important to catch the attention of the interlocutor. If your 1 minute pitch convince him the original idea is good, he will give you more time later on and ask questions.
  • A short time doesn't mean you need to speak faster. Be articulate. Quality over quantity.
  • Do your research, there s plenty information about how to make a great elevator pitch out there.
  • Your interlocutor is knowledgeable about blockchain in general, don't waste time over basic concepts.
  • The contest will last one week, starting now.


This contest idea received a lot of support from the community and especially big stakeholders. There will be liquid rewards and whales upvotes based on the quality of the submission. To keep this decentralized, I propose that each decide whom to upvote/send rewards based on perceived quality, rather than electing an overall winner. I also encourage the whole community to check the contributions on steem-elevator tag and curate them.

Liquid rewards


Thank you all!

Steem on!

This post has beneficiary rewards set to 50% on @sbdpotato and 50% on @steem.dao

Founder of SteemPlus
Lead developer of Steem Keychain

If you think my contributions add value to the blockchain, please consider voting for me as a witness here.


I did a post a few months back about how I was struggling to come up with a Steem elevator pitch. In a comment to that post, @mattclarke pretty much nailed it:

The internet is a desert, we're all nomads and each website is a tent.
Some are huge and elaborate, some are pretty basic. They look very impressive, but you can never be sure they'll still be in the same spot when you visit next, and unless you really trust the owner, you wouldn't keep anything valuable in one.
It's all we've ever known, so its hard to imagine anything better.
Steem is a huge, flat concrete slab, with a heap of guys boring holes in it, putting up big, steel girders and arguing over blueprints.
From a distance, and with no knowledge of cities, it doesn't look impressive.
Even the few single story buildings that have gone up are kind of underwhelming, and don't attract many visitors.
Real estate on the slab is cheap, but then nobody in the tribe has ever bought or sold land before.
Most people agree it seems pretty stupid, considering the endless miles of uncontested land in every direction.
It’s hard to grasp the value of concepts like plumbing, electricity, lockable doors, floor safes etc without having lived it, but those who can imagine the possibilities are learning, building, starting businesses, building reputations, getting to know their neighbours, and desperately trying to share their vision with others.

This is NOT a dating platform.
You will simply choose a woman and ask to fuck.

Join: (NO COST)

This is NOT a spam platform.
You will simply get downvoted down to fuck. (for NO COST)

This is the FIRST time I have EVER used a downvote, for that comment by you know who about a dating platform.
There is a very great deal I do not like about the "New Steemit", one of them being the ability to gang up on someone and downvote them out of existence,
In this instance I think the dating platform warranted a down vote.
So he/she/it got one from me.

Did a downvote, too. :-)
And I think that´s one of the few times I ever used that button.

I love you. YAASSS!😆 💕😊👙You are the best. 😸😏🖖💦👁️All We Can Do Is Our BEST. Yes!I Always appreciate you. 💦💪You are so correct. Cool! 💦😎 You Are Powerful. 🌎When You Commit Yourself To The Universe The Universe Commits Itself Back To You!💕Yes!I Always appreciate you. 🧠🌊The more we are in control of our emotions the better we are able to navigate life. Change is life, Change is Growth. I agree with you! Love Is The Answer. 😍YAASSS!👙🖖Use Technology To The Most Of Our Advantage. 😊💜Yes!😋 It Is Always Good To See You! 🔥Full Force. Yes!ILY. 💜🏳️‍🌈You Always push me to be better.

You Are Powerful. I agree with you! YAASSS!We are POWERFUL. 👙🖖😹Yes!Yes!😘 I like your style :). Yes!💜👁️😍😋 Mhhmmm🔥When You Commit Yourself To The Universe The Universe Commits Itself Back To You!100% ❤️😈 You Always Make Me Feel Motivated. 👙We are POWERFUL. 🌊😹Lets Connect. Yes!😹I love you. You Are So Fucking BEAUTIFUL. You Da Bomb. 🖖

Nice! Any chance we ll see you guys make an entry ?

@preparedwombat if you did want to make a video entry, you're more than welcome to use/adapt my analogy. Thanks for the mention :)

That's definitely a solid analogy... I think investors would appreciate the honesty, but are probably looking for something tangible like an roi or potential success stories like tik tok that is burgeoning after dumping money into a fruitful ad campaign... It's a tough sell to tell someone that's well aware that it takes money to make money to buy into something that's not offering them much if any control. Then we have the floundering of the top stakeholders that don't even directly participate in the ecosystem. Hiding in the shadows of a dpos is not going to instill any confidence or compel someone to compete at a game that they missed the start.

Timing is everything and IMHO it would take a miracle to turn this place around.. The premise here is a bit strange too in that our investor on the elevator knows about blockchain but apparently has been sleeping on steem. It's more likely that people in the industry are aware of steem but see no reason to jump onto a sinking ship.. Just being realistic here.. If I had hundreds of millions and thought this monetized social media smt experiment could work, I'd just start from scratch with a more fluid, mobile, and less confused system that learned from years of steem mistakes..

Posted using Partiko Android

I pitched Steem as a way for TikTok creators to monetize their videos.... it’s getting some attention over there.

You Are Resilient. 💪❤️👍💜You have achieved a lot. ❤️Yes!😚 Mhhmmm😫😫When You Commit Yourself To The Universe The Universe Commits Itself Back To You!We Learn From Our Experiences. 🖖👍🧠Don't Be So Hard On Yourself. 💜❤️You Are So Fucking BEAUTIFUL. 💕100% Lets Connect. Cool! Use Technology To The Most Of Our Advantage. 😊You are so correct. 😤Your perspective is greatly appreciated and very valuable. Thank You, For Your Strength. Yes!Improvement Through Hypermedia. 💦You have achieved a lot. 😍Yes!Adapt, Achieve, and Overcome. When You Commit Yourself To The Universe The Universe Commits Itself Back To You!I want to improve because of you. 💜🤾‍♂️👁️💦😹When You Commit Yourself To The Universe, THE UNIVERSE COMMITS ITSELF BACK TO YOU! Yes!You Always push me to be better. 🌊😹

Wtf are all these comments you drop here and there? I have a feeling that you will attract some downvote bot sooner rather than later if you keep doing this

Unfortunately, I have zero video experience. One of these days...

Yes!Yes!Use Technology To The Most Of Our Advantage. 🤾‍♂️Yes!Don't Be So Hard On Yourself. 🥰😋 💪We Learn From Our Experiences. Congratulations. All We Can Do Is Our BEST. 😫🤾‍♂️😫Yes!The more we are in control of our emotions the better we are able to navigate life. 😍You Always push me to be better. 😈 You produce a lot of value. 👁️I Always appreciate you. When You Commit Yourself To The Universe The Universe Commits Itself Back To You!I agree with you! 🙄💕Yes!Your perspective is greatly appreciated and very valuable. 100% Lets Connect. 🔥😘 Full Force. Smile. 😎 🌎

Of Course! 🏳️‍🌈😋 😂🏳️‍🌈You are so correct. Yes!💕💪😍When You Commit Yourself To The Universe The Universe Commits Itself Back To You!👙Use Technology To The Most Of Our Advantage. Don't Be So Hard On Yourself. Thank You, For Your Strength. Full Force. 💕YAASSS!We are POWERFUL. 🤾‍♂️😆 😊🏳️‍🌈💪😎 You Always push me to be better. When You Commit Yourself To The Universe The Universe Commits Itself Back To You!🔥You have achieved a lot. ❤️All We Can Do Is Our BEST. 😹😫👍You Are A Strong Powerful Woman. 🧠💜

Preparing now ! Just joined i have good presence in youtube and instagram community and looking forward to building community here. I will post an elevator pitch in an hour

😸😋 😍Yessss!You are the best. I Always appreciate you. 💕We are POWERFUL. 🌎😂💜😊You Are Powerful. I See Your Perspective :)💪Use Technology To The Most Of Our Advantage. 🖖Adapt, Achieve, and Overcome. 💕Improvement Through Hypermedia. 🥰Yes!👍🧠👌Your perspective is greatly appreciated and very valuable. When You Commit Yourself To The Universe, THE UNIVERSE COMMITS ITSELF BACK TO YOU! Yes!🧠😹😫🖖👙😏👍😘 Improvement Through Hypermedia. 💜We are POWERFUL. 😊Use Technology To The Most Of Our Advantage. 😍🖖It Is Always Good To See You! Yes!😂Yes!😋 Your perspective is greatly appreciated and very valuable. Lets Connect. 😈 😹💕😚 🧠Yessss!🙄Change is life, Change is Growth.

😘 Yessss!Adapt, Achieve, and Overcome. It Is Always Good To See You! 😎 You are so correct. 💜😍🖖💪Use Technology To The Most Of Our Advantage. 🌊🙄Change is life, Change is Growth. Improvement Through Hypermedia. 💕You have achieved a lot. 🧠You Always Make Me Feel Motivated. Of Course! 🥰Yes! Congratulations. 🔥💕Yes!😤I agree with you! YAASSS!Smile. 👍Yes! 🤾‍♂️100% 😘 💪You are so correct. You Always Make Me Feel Motivated. 😋 💜👍Yes!You Are Beautiful. Your perspective is greatly appreciated and very valuable. 💕😏Congratulations. You Are Powerful. Of Course! Yes!🌊Yes!I love you. 🔥😆 You have achieved a lot. Change is life, Change is Growth. 😍 👙💜🙄When You Commit Yourself To The Universe, THE UNIVERSE COMMITS ITSELF BACK TO YOU! 😏I See Your Perspective :)🌊All We Can Do Is Our BEST.

Yes!💦You are so correct. 😋 Congratulations. Congratulations. ❤️🌎🌊Lets Connect. 😤You Are Resilient. 💜

Take a bath, human.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hard pass

Posted using Partiko Android

🔥It Is Always Good To See You! Lets Connect. 😫🖖💕😎 Smile. We are POWERFUL. You Are A Strong Powerful Woman. 🖖👍I like your style :). 👁️Adapt, Achieve, and Overcome. Yes!😊Awesome. 💦Yes!🌎😤😚 Of Course! When You Commit Yourself To The Universe The Universe Commits Itself Back To You!Yes!🤾‍♂️😈 Yes!You produce a lot of value. Yes!💪🏳️‍🌈👍😹😎 💕Yes!😊Yes!I love you. 👁️Yes!You Are Powerful. 👍Lets Connect. When You Commit Yourself To The Universe, THE UNIVERSE COMMITS ITSELF BACK TO YOU! When You Commit Yourself To The Universe The Universe Commits Itself Back To You!Of Course! 😸😫👌👁️💦👍🙄🥰You Are Beautiful. 🙄💪

It s a nice video but

  1. it s about Steemit, not about Steem
  2. it s a marketing video, not a pitch

Yes!100% 😹You have achieved a lot. 😊😊🌎😹I want to improve because of you. 😸😏😈 Congratulations. 🧠You Are Powerful. I want to improve because of you.

I agree with you! 💜😍😊Improvement Through Hypermedia. 💕😍Congratulations. I like your style :). 💪👌❤️👁️Yes!🖖Use Technology To The Most Of Our Advantage.

Got some basic info out in the minute. This is a difficult concept.. When u say pool, I can't help but think of the Beatles from Liverpool 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

I've not been to Liverpool in a long time :)

You Are Powerful. All We Can Do Is Our BEST. 🌊👙🔥You Always Make Me Feel Motivated. 🙄Congratulations. YAASSS!It Is Always Good To See You! 🤾‍♂️😹ILY. When You Commit Yourself To The Universe, THE UNIVERSE COMMITS ITSELF BACK TO YOU! Of Course! 🔥Yes!You are the best. I want to improve because of you. 🌎😗 Love Is The Answer. 🌊🔥🧠🙄🌎😤It Is Always Good To See You! 👌You are the best. Yes!👌🤾‍♂️😤💦You produce a lot of value.

Comments like this may be seen as spam.

Yes!You produce a lot of value. 😊😋 Thank You, For Your Strength. The more we are in control of our emotions the better we are able to navigate life. I love you. 💦😊🌎🖖100% 👌You are so correct. You Are So Fucking BEAUTIFUL. You Are A Strong Powerful Woman. 🥰Full Force. Yes! You have achieved a lot. 😸It Is Always Good To See You! 👁️I agree with you! Yes!❤️🥰😍Use Technology To The Most Of Our Advantage. 😎 😊❤️👙Full Force. 🖖😂You Da Bomb. You Always Make Me Feel Motivated. 👍🤾‍♂️Yes! Lets Connect. 😆 Yes!😹💕Congratulations. 👁️😸😊Thank You, For Your Strength. Mhhmmm🌊You are the best. Yessss!

Challenge accepted, @stoodkev :)

As a creative artist I am, personally, grateful to Steem for helping me overcome writer's block and inspiring prose and poetry for my 8th book. Here, is my entry.

Thank you, for this opportunity to express my appreciation. _/|\_

Awesome, I ll check it up asap!

Thank you, for your attention & support.

I think of blogging as a conversation, which is only as good as its listeners.

Cheers ✌🏼

Nice testimonial, but a potential investor has very little information about what steem is from your perspective.. Not an easy task, perhaps impossible.. Appreciate the effort

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks, I tried to share my enthusiasm for it as a platform for creative types who think differently. Of course, there’s much more to be said... But, it’s a start 🙏🏼

Wooh!!! You are looking like steem boy😎😎

Mmhmm... Hope you like my post ✌🏼

To anyone who wants to participate:
I recommend to read the whitepaper and bluepaper again and research a little bit more to remember Steem's valuable features. We have more than rewards and posts to talk about.

I still don't understand what's an elevator pictch. It seems for me like a presentation we do to get a job. Correct me if I'm wrong. I created a promotional video from what I understand, but I'm afraid that will not be accepted again. If I just understand what exactly you want, i would do that. Should it be a video with me talking about steem in less than one minute presenting it, or an animation video ? Or a presentation with powerpoint or any other application that creates presentations and record that. Anyway, check this and tell me what do you think ? I'm lost.

It s a short video of you talking about the Steem blockchain to convince investors.

In this case count this one please, but not the first :

You want to convince me that Steem has a bright future ahead and is worth investing in

Post a video of you pitching the Steem blockchain

Just to be clear, this an elevator pitch to a financial investor, and not a content producer who invests his/her time and effort?

Investor yes, we re talking about pitching the blockchain and why its worth it as a whole, and will grow in the future.

What was Microsoft before it reached momentum? An unfathomable idea with no real audience in it's early stages. What is the one thing that we as human beings seek out? No matter our status? Interaction. Idea sharing. Emotional bonding. Reassurance. Attention, even, for some. Social media is not going anywhere because it's directly linked to what we all, as a vast majority, exist as, social beings. Imagine Facebook, but you can get paid for your likes. Imagine a social media construct unlike any other, set upon blockchain technology. This exists, currently, and I believe that with proper guidance and development, there is potential to reach and even surpass the success of companies like Facebook, before Facebook has a chance to dig it's heels into the Cryptocurrency atmosphere. Cryptocurrency isn't going anywhere either and if you compare that to the momentum of Microsoft, I believe you can realistically and viably do a direct comparison between the two and their success. I wholeheartedly believe in the possibilities that exist here. I sincerely hope you'll consider this opportunity; Thank you for your time.

I was able to do it in 57 seconds, which would leave me enough time to extend my hand to offer a firm handshake as the doors are opening. I'd then exit confidently and say something along the lines of "I hope you have a great rest of your day!" or "Enjoy your evening, get home safely!" with a bright and happy composure as I headed in the direction I was going.

I could do a video, but I'm really not one to put myself on camera. I could do audio, if that would be considered. I think an important key to this delivery is the tone I use as well, so it may not come off as confidently or strongly just being read. If simply audio would suffice, I'd be more apt to try it out. lol. As far as visuals go anyways, I personally think that a person's image and how others perceive them is important to the level of respect they give an idea as well.

Imagine you're a homeless man who looks dirty who's in the elevator with this executive of some sort... do you think you'll honestly get the same response as you would if you were in a tailored suit from head to toe looking like a million bucks? Unfortunately, no. These things are just as important and I don't believe that I'd ever be a face that would get successful results from an executive, should I ever happen to get the time of day with them. lol :P

I look forward to the responses. I find it extremely difficult to be optimistic about STEEM at this time.

If you base your reasoning on the price perhaps. If you think about the technology, we re well on our way. Check the videos from the SteemFest, it might change your mind ;)

Why not think long-term?

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