Illegitimate, centralized sham witnesses voted by a single account are planning on stealing my Steem stake tomorrow

in #steem-is-dead4 years ago

Abandon ship. Read all about it:

It's odd seeing a gang of low-life thieves conspire to steal my legitimately earned STEEM tokens, and attempt to justify it with extremely pathetic excuses for excuses. Very surreal.

How would you feel if you were me? What if someone was so boldly talking about stealing the STEEM you earned because you made an effort to make the Steem blockchain better, before it was taken over by a sociopathic manchild named Sun Yuchen? I feel attacked by evil, selfish people.

If you agree this is wrong, contact the exchange you use for Steem and let them know. Talk about it on Hive, or other legitimate platforms.

This is a message to those who follow me here and may still contribute to Steem. I think it's obvious: Stop adding content to Steem. Stop doing anything to add a shred of value to it. If these criminals want to pound their nails into its coffin, as if it wasn't dead already, let them and let it sink faster. Use Hive.

Hive is the rightful continuation of Steem without the stake that voted to attack it. Your account is there waiting for you. Visit Hive at (like, (like, or using the Esteem app.


Fucking bastards..

I guess the CCP backed Sun Yuchen doesn't give a fuck to keep to any word he says.

Hopefully they brick the chain so we can restart it without them.

You didn't deserve your funds frozen, nobody did.

Fuck what steem has become and the people behind this bullshit.

According to the code, my funds won't be frozen, they will be


to an account that I don't own.

If that isn't theft, what is?

That is exactly what happened to my funds on Hive. The link I just included is proof that my Stake existed briefly and then was transferred.

The code being used for HF 23 is literally copied from the Hive fork. I am sorry that you are going through this. I hope that people will come to their senses.

Hive was a newly created asset. According to the IRS (US tax authority) All cryptocurrency forks are new assets and any airdrop is also considered a new asset. Therefore, not airdropping someone is not theft.
Although in theory it may have existed in your wallet before it was removed, you never control any Hive in your wallet.

This is not the case for Steem. What is happenening here is clear cit theft.

Go back to ignoring me, you ignorant troll. Nice try to apologize for them stealing my funds from me. Are you a sociopath as well?

Did you read my comment? Who is ignorant when you refuse to accept that this is exactly what happened on Hive. It is literally copied and pasted.

I just said that I am sorry for what you are going through, and you called me a sociopath. You have sat by for months while the exact same thing has happened to me. I am trying to say that I am sorry that it is happening to you now too.

We have stopped voting for all Steem Witnesses. Period. It is wrong here, and it is wrong there. The ignorant troll is the one who refuses to accept that it is the exact same thing.

Whatever man. . . Good luck fighting this. I disagree with it, but I am not sticking my neck out for you. I am not voting for witnesses running it. That is all I can give you after how much you have disrespected me.

Welcome back to the muted user list!

What took you so long?

It sucks that it is ending this way for those of the larger stakeholders of Steem that did so much for the chain early on. I hope those witnesses involved in this theft get whats coming for them in terms of legal action.