It's never too late for more Halloween Steem-Memes
Prepare yourself
My onslaught of Halloween memes isn't finished. You thought 12 was enough? Wrong! Behold six more Steem-memes just in before the big candy-givin' sugar-lovin' day! A couple are animated to boot. Wow!
It would be my pleasure to be Avenged upon. Yes ma'am!
It's the truth. Think about it for a minute. Those bullies!
I used my little potty-mouth on this one. It's OK during prime time so what the hell?
Dum dum da da da DUM DUM! Hope ya don't think it's TOO DUMB!
This oddity made me think of the hybrid nature of Steemit. He stares into your soul.
Last but not least I've got a sort of mean one. Just rattling the cage Steemians.
I'm thinking next year he'll know it was a definite treat.
Looks like I've exhausted my Halloween creativity for a while. Next week I'm sure it'll be regular Steem-memes. Or maybe, just maybe... Thanksgiving Steem-memes. The possibilities.
I am,
The Everyday Geek on Steemit
Monsters attack!
This will be a highly novel experience. Never been assaulted by Lady Gaga fans before.
Tweeted on the Official @Steemit Twitter. Also GPlus, Tumblr and Pinterest.
Steemit tweeted @ 31 Oct 2016 - 13:24 UTC
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
This is not my meme but the sentiment remains.
Outstanding post!
Thanks so much. I love making these.