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That's what I'm concerned is what happened.

Especially since I recive spam email from my own email address and have occasionally for years, though I have from several of my own email addresses through several service providers.

And my emails get caught by spam filters often anyways, because I don't use a normal name on my email address. Even when I did, I got caught by spam filters, that's been a problem for this email address since about two or three months after I started using it, and that was years ago.


As an option,
You can send hundreds of emails using Campaign Monitor or Survey Monkey
Should cost less than 20 bucks for 300 or so emails. . .

Yeah, that's not an option.

Do you know if Papa is planning another steem-pocalypse?

There's a signup form linked in the post body here, so I'd say the answer is yes.

He's just very busy right now.