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OPTION 2 – Try to trade a weapon for the canned goods. If you choose this option, you must specify which weapon. Also, if you trade a gun, you will give up all of your ammunition.


I have a knife and a shotgun with 5 rounds. I choose option 2 I trade the knife for the canned goods all the while keeping an eye on my surroundings and a hand ready on my shotgun. I have to eat and if I try to shoot this lady it's not only unethical but I know karma is a bitch.

I have a knife, a pistol with 8 rounds of ammo, and 1 backup food supply. I choose option 2 this round and choose to trade my KNIFE for the canned food.

I have a knife and pistol with 8 rounds of ammunition. I choose option 2. I will trade my knife for the food.

I have a knife, 1 Backup Food Supply, a rifle with 6 rounds of ammunition!

It's hard to survive without any weapon and I got two of them already, so I think I need to help this woman. I'll trade my knife for a food! Option 2.

I have a pistol with 8 rounds and I begrudgingly choose Option 2, and give up my pistol and rounds :<


I need food. Instincts say to kill her and take her stuff, though I generally try to avoid provoking non-hostile NPCs.

Besides, she's obviously telling the truth because

I mean

She snuck up on me. If she had any weapons or anything, she could have just killed me and looted my body. Maybe if I'm lucky, I can team up with her and we can just share the ammo and food!! :D Strength in numbers!!

though I dunno if befriending NPCs is even an option in this game.... XD

Hahaha! You are amazing with those emotions :)

Thank you!! :D
LOL from an early age, I got real inspired by John Gray's artwork in Archie Comics (back when they did a Sonic the Hedgehog comic), because they were so expressive and dynamic - I wanted to be able to make my stuff as over-the-top as that X3

I choose option 2. I have a RIFLE and try to trade it for 2 cans of food.

Probably a terrible idea but I will choose option 2 and trade my knife that I loved so dearly the short time I owned it. I have a knife, a rifle with 6 rounds. I ate in the empty lot so I will need to eat by the end of DAY 4

I am choosing option two. I am trading my knife.
I have an unopened package of beef jerky and a rifle with six rounds of ammunition.

Hmm ?? - ))

(( thinking to myself .. this is a trap ???? - ))
(( BUT .. i have a knife .. and a belly full of abandoned lot YUM - ))
(( i don't need to eat .. for a couple days (( end of day 4 )) ))
(( maybe ?? she is looking to build a little trust ?? - ))
(( or .. is she just probing for information ?? - ))

.. "i agree to your trade" .. i say, with a smiley confidence !! - ))
((.. i stick my knife in the ground, and take two steps back ))
and .. request, "toss over the food .. brave woman" !! - ))

I have only one ethical option: Option 2 - Trade my KNIFE for the canned goods. I have no other weapons and have to eat this round or die. I would rather take the risk and trust humanity again than take advantage of her in any other way.