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Went to beach with family and forgot.

Option 3 - Rest


I have a pistol, beef jerky as a backup food supply and I ate from lime tree and I choose to rest i.e. Option 3 in this round.

1 unloaded gun ans some jalapeno flavored jerky

I choose option 3 because

  • I am inherently lazy
  • I dont feel like trying my chance with any creepy crawlies.. or hidden landmines.

This is the APOCALYPSE after all...

I have a pistol and I ate from lime tree and I choose to rest

Option 3

Wow I must have been very tired last night... After having relaxing sleep under the bushes, then I only noticed the delicious berries hanging right above my head.

I decided to snack on some berries up to the point where I was feeling nice and full, before moving along.
I had a quick check to make sure that I still have my unloaded Pistol and Beef Jerky with me.

Inventory: 1 Unloaded Pistol, 1 Beef Jerky


I don't really need to eat or anything so decided to go with option 3 and take another rest break.

My delicate hands were not really made to be digging in the dirt and who knows what could be hiding below the surface.

I also saw a wooden log, but don't want to risk moving it and disturbing the poor wild life that might be living underneath it.

I will rather just sit hear peacefully admiring my surroundings while catching my breath.

Good luck to all still playing hopefully most of you guys will still be with us in the next round, otherwise will say a prayer for our fallen comrades.

Adding comment here as well for easy tracking.

Day 17

Dear Diary,

I hid in the bushes last night to catch some sleep. When I woke up this morning I noticed the bush had this bright purple berries on it. I remembered from scouts that I can slowly test a berry to see if it was safe by rubbing the juice on my hand and then lips and make sure there was no burning sensations. After waiting a bit and feeling nothing I tasted the berries. They tasted a little astringent but overall not bad. I decided to eat my fill and hope for the best. At least I can save my beef jerky for later assuming these berries don’t make me sick. Figuring I have been here no enough I decided to get moving as soon as I could. I need to stay one step ahead of anyone who might be following me. With any luck I might be able to find safety. Maybe I will find her when I get there…

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply (Jerky), I ate beauty berries today and I'll choose option 3 this round.

I have a magnesium fire starter and 1 backup food supply(jerky) I will choose option 3.

hope you and the family had a blast at the beach!

Yayyy! Yes, I choose option 3. ;) We're all glad that you got to have some fun beach times. I have a pistol, a backup rations and I ate limes after my nap.

I have a pistol and beef jerky. I choose option 3.

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose Option 3

I have a pistol & one backup food supply (beans). Ate some limes to avoid starvation. Choosing option 3 to rest.