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Hey, the [next round] is up.

We can either take a dangerous path out of the city, keep skirting around the city to look for another way out, or cry uncontrollably.


Don't honestly understand the last option LMAO but what do you think? Take the path or keep with the city?

I'm thinking maybe if we stay near the city we can find more loot? But idk it might be too dangerous to stick around much more.

Ffffff hard choice--;;;
We don't really have anything that'd help us around cliffs, do we? Hm.

At least we ate last round, so we still got that can of food to save for later! :v


Ok, lets stick near the city!

You wanna use the sketch as-is, or I can make it a bit nicer lol?

Ah, as for, we can try it? It usually dosen't load very well for me at home tho. Or we could use Discord or Google Hangouts or something idk.

Lolol okay city it is then, I guess XD

Yo!! I got a more finalized version of the team logo thingie lol
Since you didn't seem to have any qualms with it, I just kept it how it was P:

Green Thylacines 2.png

Bluh. We died :(

Gamer instinct told me to take the dangerous path, but it didn't seem logical... lajflsjflsj oh well x(