[Steem Mobile] New Features, Followers, Following, Comments - Steemit Mobile App Still Calling for Beta Testers

in #steem9 years ago

Hello Steemians!

I am happy to bring next update of Steem Mobile application. New features will give you the power of Steem with better navigation flow. Which will not only give you the flexibility while using it but also provides better and neat design updates.
Steem Mobile, beta 0.0.3 is out for Android and Amazon App store users, read on below for more details.

Visibility became very difficult last few days, couple days back I have posted first Steem mobile app beta and calling everyone to beta tests the app, please check here for version 0.0.2 update. If you are mobile user and love using Steem and Steemit, please spread the word and come, test together with us.

Android users

Join Android beta testing (version 0.0.3 update should be available in couple hours, version 0.0.2 was out 2 days ago.)
iOS users

Update is coming, iOS developer program registration is taking couple days

Navigation flow improved.
Content markdown improved.
Followers, You can now check who is following you and their profile blog/post/replies/wallet/keys etc.
Following, You can check who you are following, also their profile details
Search by Tag or User improved ( You can now search for User and open their account details from search results, your tag search result also can be opened which in this case will open all posts related to chosen tag.
Filter by trend improved responsiveness
Infinite scroll fixed to contain constant request
User profile design improvements

Screencast (video - 3:39 min)

Quick overview of the changes


Working on local transaction signing ( there is alternative solution to setup node and sign transactions on server, this is open for debate, please leave comment about your concerns, security measures, etc.)
Push notification ( will require setting up node/server as well, so this server side project will also be open source)
Make a Post
Transfer fund

Hope this time we get more visibility and more testers, anyways, development continues.

Future features

Steem exchange ( I think, this is really cool idea and can give users all in one app, but also with it, comes responsibility to design properly, user experience should be main focus and number one factor going forward)

For this reason, please everyone, engage, give your feedback on
-- What do you think is the killer feature?
-- What areas can be improved?
-- What feature do you like to see ?
You can reply to this post or leave issues/feature requests/comments on github if you are active there. You can even feedback and review on Google Play store.

Does anyone has list of available nodes/websocket/ip addresses?
Server provided by @xeroc , piston rock needs an update as it doesn't have latest APIs, getting follower, getting following, use wss://steemit.com/wstmp3 inside app settings, instead.

You can follow me and/or #steemmobile to stay up to date
Happy testing guys, cheers, hope you will like it ;-)

App is now submitted to Amazon App Store as well. It should be available right after review process. Who is on Amazon?!


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