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RE: This proves what i have said all along about steemit

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Unfortunate that no one has any real answers but yet no one is sceptical ???
Not a good sign or something i would want to invest in and i have spent enough time here to know that all that gives it any value is the perceived notion of that value by others where as silver is highly undervalued because of the paper ETF market

I think i made the right investment !!!

Im NOT hating on any one and there choices i was simply sharing some info and asking some questions before i spent more of my time an energy on the platform because i wouldn't be here if i didn't think it was a good idea or had potential
I just would want it to be free and fair

Its the whale power that bothers me
And then the blindness of the sheeple who follow without question
( i know thats a shitty analogy but i think u get the point )
Maybe I'm wrong and my newbie status is showing but no one is offering a fair rebuttal so it seems that it fits


I feel that I'm loosing IQ points just by listening to you.
Mute in 3.....2....1...

Goodbye and Good Riddance !!!!