Uhm, seriously? I know there was a need for spam reduction but WTF?

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but replies are limited in the comments section?


I just got this error replying to an on going discussion several of us have been having for over half the day.
(account_vshares * max_virtual_bandwidth) > (account_average_bandwidth * total_vshares): account exceeded maximum allowed bandwidth per vesting share account_vshares: 54538213274 account_average_bandwidth: 423146651 max_virtual_bandwidth: 1788296248863402 total_vesting_shares: ${total_vesting_shares}
I haven't seen the whole source code for the Steemit platform yet, but from what it looks like given my coding experience we're limited by our vesting shares in Steemit when it comes to the amount of bandwidth we take up?

If that's really the case, the platform just took the term, "put up or shut up" to a whole new level and I call shenanigans on top of...


I fully understand the need and want for original content but a healthy comments section is original content IMHO.

If I'm wrong could someone please explain and correct me on this one? Without patch notes, it's either run to github and read the comments and code, or just guess as to WTF caused this error to happen. While I have coding experience, I'm sure there are plenty of others out there in Steemit land who do not, but have also seen this same error. If it really is a limit on comments based on a weighted vesting in Steem that's really going to stifle the ability to discuss posts in the comments section but vote bots with lots of SP will be totally unaffected...


This is caused by posting too much too fast.

@roadscape I guessed that much but I only knew about the original thread limitations on payouts, not reply limits on threads. If I'm reading the code right, which I may not because it's just a snipit and I haven't had time to read all the source yet. It looks to me like vesting shares are weighted into the equation and how it calculates your post reply limitations. :-/

Here's more information on the bandwidth model. It may not be perfect but it beats paying a fee for every upvote and comment: https://bytemaster.github.io/article/2016/02/10/How-to-build-a-decentralized-application-without-fees/

For more details see the whitepaper: https://steem.io/SteemWhitePaper.pdf

the long conversations in the comments is one of the things that made reddit great

@fonzerrellie Thank you! The comments section on most social media platforms gets just as much if not way more attention that the original posts not to mention they spark and pave the way for open discussions and debates. If a lot of on-topic comments are frowned upon because we're having a discussion? Well I say that's total BS... Especially if one can simply buy more comments by vesting in Steem Power.

Having made this post during the off peak hours I'll just wait the 12 hours and watch it get buried.

Or bot voted to death... Dear god it's like moths to a flame sometimes!