RE: Blockchain Update 4: Resource Credit Implementation Details
Actually the overwhelming reason why we have to keep improving our protocol is because so many people use it. The rate at which Steem dapps are coming online continues to increase. The rate of user growth continues to increase. Our "real usage" is still orders of magnitude beyond any other blockchain. Look at how many transactions are being performed by the top Ethereum dapp. If Ethereum has so many real users, why are none of them using their dapps? Even you are using our blockchain to claim it doesn't work. And that's totally fine. Criticism and negative feedback are vital components of any healthy ecosystem and DPoS does count on people constantly "kicking the tires." Personally, I welcome everyone who believes DPoS doesn't work to keep using Steem to complain about how DPoS can't work, thereby proving that it does in fact work. So thanks!
So when the Steem blockchain seized up - that was just an "oopsie"?
You've got to be kidding me that you think ETH is a good example, in fact, they're about to head for their own version of PoS hell with sharding --
And you prove my point by saying "why we have to keep improving our protocol is because so many people use it.".
It doesn't scale at the outset, so you have to bolt more things on to keep up, except those "exceptions" aren't going to help in the long term.
Every PoS coin thinks they have it together, but then when there's actual usage -- the flaws become realized and they are systemic.
But you know what? Go ahead, keep shoveling people on here and see just how badly it won't scale.
The problem with this platform is the slightest suggestion that it isn't manna from heaven is shot down and dismissed.
Enjoy your future implosion.
And then... What is your suggestion??
Halt everything until we have a guarantied way to scale up to 1000000 TPS?
If you are at the top of the wave and you are able to keep improving regularly...
Doesn't it paint a bright future to you??
If you were paying attention, you'd know that what I'm saying is Steemit is fundamentally flawed.
No amount of hard-forking, glossy features or rampant promotion is going to fix it. Unless perhaps they gut the central premise and rearchitect the centralized system they have.
I doubt they'd do that, so it seems failure is assured.
Infinite loop commence