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RE: Regulation arbitrage... Facebook again. own your data!

in #steem7 years ago

The Observer reported on Saturday that Cambridge Analytica acquired 50m Facebook profiles from a researcher in 2014. This appears to have been among the most consequential data breaches in history, with an impact that may rival the breach of financial records from Equifax.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which will apply from 25 May 2018, creates consistent data protection rules across Europe. It applies to companies that are based in the EU and global companies that process personal data about individuals in the EU.

While many of the principles build on current EU data protection rules, the GDPR has a wider scope, more prescriptive standards and substantial fines. For example, it requires a higher standard of consent for using some types of data, and broadens individuals' rights with respect to accessing and porting their data. It also establishes significant enforcement powers, allowing a company's supervisory authority to seek fines of up to 4% of global annual revenue for certain violations.


Thanks @asim1234 for your comments. Great point on GDPR, it's a start.

1-None of the data Cambridge got involves ‘hacking’ Facebook, a data breach or exploiting a bug. Instead, it all revolves around the use of a feature that Facebook provided to all developers and (at least) tens of thousands took advantage off.
2-The data collected was not internal Facebook data. It was data that developers accessed from the profiles of people who downloaded their apps (and their friends). Facebook has a lot more data on users than is publicly available and it has it for everyone who uses their platform. No-one but Facebook has access to that data. This is a point that almost all the journalists involved seem unable to grasp, instead they repeatedly equate ‘Facebook’s internal data’ to ‘data accessed from Facebook profiles using a third party app’. But these are VERY different things.

Source and to read a lot more:

Thanks for a good reply and huge thanks for the link you provide me Wish you health and wealth

health is wealth! Have a good weekend @asim1234