
What ever fantasy you want to believe is fine with me.
Be as ridiculous as you want. I enjoy a really good laugh

Your obsession with @berniesanders is pathetic. Get a life.

Sure fuckwit, you keep lying that there is any way for anyone to block anyone else from transacting with the chain or the content on it, I'm sure calling anything contrary to your bullshit lie a fantasy or a matter of faith/belief and ridiculous is not a total farce.

''there are none so blind as those who will not see''
Or in your parlance, you are a Fuckwit hahahahaha

Your obsession with @berniesanders is pathetic. Get a life.

Sure I'm a fuckwit, after all I think that on a decentralized, transparent, censorship proof blockchain there is a way to ban people or to hold them to "the terms of service".
