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RE: Moving to hive

in #steem7 years ago

This is why we are following "The Good Whale" instead


UBR: Destroy target Haejin

That's cool card! 😎😁

This card made my day!!! :)

Shameless self-promotion... you should see my other ones!

Lmao I love this ahahaha

This card is by far the most awesome thing I have seen on steemit. Team bernie sanders all the way.

Bernie Sanders speaks the truth!

i would play this ; but why is it not LEGENDARY ?!

what a awesome card, i need it xD

This is dope.


True. iv seen many amazing posts getting next to nothing, and some really dum posts are trending with 100z of dollars.

all too often.

agreed! but, i think we can revert this. there are many more of us here interested in actually quality posts. are we all whales? absolutely not, but if we keep up our good work,. i do think we'll all restore value to this platform. i know i sound like an optimistic fool, but as i see it now, this is the only way to fix this disequilibrium on steemit. kick, censor and other things wont do.

truly engaging even with our 2 cents (lol literally) will eventually lower the value of this haejins dude scheme.

:D only reason i voted for your post

I feel that! Still trying to figure out how to catch a whale instead of all these "minnows"

Please guys finish drama of this fake and crap haejin. He is stealing money . Only he drew cup with lines and put on post. @salahuddin2004 is much better than this crap.

the very Big good whale