RE: Proposed Changes to Steem Economy
I definitely understand how you feel @stellbelle, especially for getting reprimanded for voicing your opinion or trying to create balance. Also the feeling of the people or your group that your used to being connected with leaving.
I understand that all of this is upsetting and hurts you in someway. but at the same time it is unnecessary to attack the people who are still writing on steemit. To make a blanket statement that the majority of quality writer have left and every one else is just "the crust" is hurtful. Especially since a good majority of people here value your opinions and really look up to you. It is even more depressing for the writer who are still learning by expanding their writing and may not actually be "the best quality writers above others" but still wanting to write on steemit.
We all respect your decisions to switch over to medium as your main platform, especially because of the inequality that it sounds like you are feeling. But there is no need to try to burn this bridge and "ship" down as you are leaving too. Especially for all of us 14k+ of us that are still on this ship that fully support you with whatever you do and everything that you have done.
I know your feeling emotional but please try to be aware of what your saying when you speak to "us". Your influence is greater than I think you even realize.
I'm not burning anything. The design of Steemit did that itself.
Everyone should lead themselves. I am a writer and artist first.
If people choose to follow me, then that is their decision. We are all adults here.
When you approach things from a sentimental perspective, that is when your judgment fails you. I write for a living. I read a lot. I did think that writers would start slowing sifting over here, but I was wrong. They tell me that they want nothing to do with a sketchy place. You are all attacking me because I speak my mind without filters. I am providing useful information, if you could just stop being so defensive. Attachment does this to humans, obviously.
I'm not attached to any platform. I'm looking for a digital home that solves my basic issues while at the same time giving me a sense of real value. So far, I have been very lucky because i joined early. I am grateful for that. I consider it a real blessing. I am cautiously optimistic now instead of being over the top enthusiastic. It will take a long time for this place to attract quality people. And it could self-correct, sure, I am open to that possibility. But the main centralization of power issues will take a long time to sort out. That is my main concern.
Flagging is one of the biggest reason that we have so many abandoned accounts. Flagging was designed to get rid of spammers and abusive people. We want them gone, but it should take many flags to even show up as a red mark on someone's opinion.
I suggesst a graduated flagging power - like Steem Power (could even be SP) which could take out abusive posts slowly. I would also suggest that the ability to flag be given to all, and taken away when powering down. And given in perportion to reputation. A new account cannot reward posts (zero impact), their flags should not impact users with higher reputations (zero impact). Solution...
For posts and comments
We also need something to stop people from flagging an entire account! Let's say I join, blog for a month, limited success, but I am growing. I flag someone for good reason, and they come to my home and red mark everything I have written.
Flags are like farts at a party. Too many and nobody wants to stay.
Well then, @stellabelle
Please, define and describe an ideal digital home. I'm serious by the way-- while my other posts may seem to you obnoxious, I'm really curious what you think would be better, because its' clear we've got to hammer on steemit a bit to improve it.
Hate to say it, but this is kind of what I came to expect from @stellabelle. Try not to look up to her so much and you will feel better. It has been made clear to many of us that though she is a good writer she tends to speak from a the vantage point of expertise on issues she really isn't qualified to speak on. Sure free speech is fine, but the simple fact that she believes that steem is a place where she can be censored kind of proves the point that she is looking at everything from the perspective of someone who knows very little about the meaning of beta level software.
There are MANY high quality content creators I consistently see on this platform. And after less than 7 months being alive, this #blockchain has proven it can scale above and beyond all other blockchains that propose to compete.
Medium is fine, but stellabelle has not stopped copying and pasting to steemit. Why? Just to keep up appearances? or maybe because medium doesn't give her even a chance to get paid and she knows it?....Me thinks it is the latter.
Yep, it was really strange reading her. I don't really know what people expect when the join a venture...It's a kind of weird mind set. Why not stay in Medium if it's better. People are posting good content here. I'm reading good content daily and I'm witnessing all the projects going on around the world. That's the value of Steem and please in less than a year.
I think she needs a hug.
I've no idea, but yeah, it was a very...
kinda post.
thanks @ballinconscious
Get over it, she's right. I still put up a few things, but with very few exception the remaining posts are either dry as dust technical drivel, or English as a Second Language. It's bad, worse than Wattpad.
how old are the other platforms? right and wrong are subjective man. ;)