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RE: Details on Proposed Comment Reward Curve

in #steem8 years ago

If the plan is to increase engagement, perhaps the focus should be on growing the active user base beyond the ~800 daily authors and a couple of thousand active accounts

Can you seriously not see how rewarding commenters would grow the userbase beyond bloggers to a wider userbase of commenters?

Basically, the problem isn't a lack of comment rewards. The problem is the lack of a large enough, active, human user base to make the platform function as intended.

Can you seriously not see how comment rewards would attract a larger user base beyond "bloggers"?


Can you seriously not see how rewarding commenters would grow the userbase beyond bloggers to a wider userbase of commenters?

Did you seriously miss the point where I said...

"Instead of creating a separate pool for comments, why not treat blog posts and comments the same? Same curves, same curation rewards, same time frames for voting. Wouldn't that make more sense and actually adhere to the KISS principle?"

Do you understand the implication there and the effect it could have on comment rewards and incentives for both commenters and comment voters?

Can you seriously not see how comment rewards would attract a larger user base beyond "bloggers"?

Did you seriously miss the point I made when I said...

"Ultimately though, a comment pool will not attract users if nobody knows about it...or the website itself. Unless there is going to be a marketing campaign to accompany these changes, they won't matter much. Steemit has a lack of active human users and an apparent lack of interested potential users."

The problem with the tiny user base and engagement isn't a lack of a comment rewards pool. Surely, you should have been able to figure that out by now. It's not like the problems haven't been debated ad nauseam.

Did you miss my reply that said I disagree. I apologise for not phrasing it as completely disagree rather than just strongly, I hadn't realised you wanted me to waste my time breaking down your comment in a battle of sophistry.

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