
If something called the Steem Alliance Foundation was funded by @ned/Steemit good for them.

@ned made promises to the Steem Foundation and they were never fulfilled .. you know like a lot of his other promises.

I had a terrible terrible terrible day today

I hope your day was better

I have been watching from the sidelines for the last 4 or 5 days, listening to both sides of the argument. I use both blockchains; however, am more active on the Tron blockchain. On Steem's blockchain I play Splinterlands everyday and usually a few times/day. When DrugWars was popular I enjoyed it as well but it has since gone dead. Also, I love reading articles on Steemit. I have been involved with Tron since the beginning (September 2017). Justin is hated on a lot. He deserves a lot of that hate and has toned his 'announcements of announcement' down quite a bit since the Warren fiasco late last Fall. I have actually met the guy, shook his hand and got a picture with him. During my conversation with his at niTron last year he came across as so passionate about blockchain. Justin Sun has influence, money, passion and is constantly in the news trying to make non-crypto people aware of the opportunities of blockchain. I really like to think that Steem and its community would like to have all of those attributes on its side. Justin purchased Steem Inc because he liked what he saw on the Steem's blockchain. My intuition tells me that he only wants the best for the Steem blockchain. Things have been said that can't be taken back but lets move on. I think both blockchains cannot only compliment but learn from each other as well. Let's try and see!

Below is a link to a teleconference between Justin Sun and Steem witnesses. I am just sharing because I believe there is a lot of misinformation being shared by certain Steem witnesses. See below link.

16:53 - JS states why he froze his Steem to take control of Steem
17:17 - JS states he will remove his witness votes once his legally purchased Steem is secure
17:50 - JS states his stake was bought as anyone else might buy Steem or TRX.
18:20 - JS states he will remove 'hacker' twitter post as long as his funds are secure
23:09 - JS states why he purchased STEEM, to make better but not to govern
27:01 - States now, that due to fights would like to exit STEEM and just get his investment back

I have been involved with both Steem and Tron and enjoy both blockchains. I'm angered to see Steem witnesses sharing bad information for those in the community that decide not to do their own research and follow blindly those stating info that isn't necessarily true

Pity what you write here cannot be reserved.
I wonder what you do on the Tron blockchain.

Perhaps you can explain to me too why the Steem I invested in with euros via is frozen? Last week it was this kind of actions will not promote any blockchain or investing in cryptocurrencies. 💕

Posted using Partiko Android

I am involved as a WIN holder on the Tron blockchain. I also dabble with a couple Defi dapps. Looking forward to MegaCryptoPolis which launches on March 24th. It is already on the Ethereum blockchain. On Steem I primarily play Splinterlands but do check Steemit.

Thank you for your answer although it's hard to understand for me. I mainly am here to write and try to engage to others. The rest is very confusing to me. I subscribed to Tron but have no idea what to do there and invested in Steem and Tron but have no idea what to expect from it. March 24th is soon. 🙂
I hope you have a good day and stay healthy and safe. 💕

The Steem Alliance Foundation is still a thing?

Not until they wanted to use this situation and a misleading name to get funding 🤷‍♀️

I should rephrase - the foundation was still a thing. They tried to elect a board and not enough people applied, so no election was held.. just everyone who applied took a board seat.

In the current situation one board member is using the official sounding name to attempt to be a group with authority and speak on behalf of all of Steem. Also to attempt to push the idea that funding from Justin sun should be given to the group. It’s being used as a power play.


As a consensus witness, the Steem Alliance Foundation does not represent me either.

That's nice.. the Foundation never has claimed to represent you or any other Witness. So seems we agree :)

There is some confusion going on that it does, and I want to be clear as well.

Perhaps drop the ego and listen. It’s being represented as such, perhaps not by you. Maybe get ahold of that issue then :sarcastic smiley face:

But, but. but decentralized community and crap :D

But right now, its being managed by our witnesses, isn't that true ?


No, that is absolutely false. There are a few loud voices in the group that are completely misrepresenting the majority of the top 20 witnesses.

Really @berniesanders? I invite you to send me a note on discord to discuss that matter then. I am currently the Chair of the board. And nothing that I've said or that the board has approved for distribution makes those claims.

The Steem Foundation has never claimed to represent the views of the witnesses. It has a board for which community nominations are called for when it comes time for a new election.

Then I think, we need a fresh election.

Why would that be @sanjeevm?