
Yeah @berniesanders I am waiting of SMT's, still no show like my lovelife, and I don't want to die waiting. BETA for two years is too much.


Im just here to read comments...

are you enjoying them so far ? :-)

Not really...

I saw this meme template and I just had to!

Don't be to hard on Ned, he is trying to represent Steem as best as possible, what Steem need are traders to defend prices to get traction to project to help lift the trading volume.... The trading volume is quite pitiful and continues to slide....If the volume doesn't rise, prices would continue to trickle down as most folks are cashing out, we have lost the volumes from Upbit, so it doesn't help, SBD is not even an option has witnesses and some stakeholders kill off traders, so its looking pretty bad... Steem needs volume, Ned needs support because SMT won't help if selling continues without volume increase....Upvoted for visibility

Seriously I wont believe that would happen soon. It might take two or three years for things to happen that way.
About the SMT's I am really curious to know when the change is going to happen!
I know we have now 1 Million users here, but 50% of them are spammers and scammers, just raping the reward pool. We have really to look into the real problems we have on this platform and find solutions for them: Phishing, the misuse of selfupvote and spam.

only 50% ? My unscientific and non-evidence backed guess would be 70% (based on the 'new' feed)

I agree! They must be 70 or 80%, but somehow I dont have the courage to say that :(

I'm an old grumpy loud you age, tact and diplomacy seem to evaporate lol ;-)

If you give a solutions to any of that you get a Nobel. Phissing scam and spam are not steem exclusives get your heads out of your asses people.

Do you realize how many people loose their accounts an money everyday! This is one example:


Yeah, but what do you want to do against it? Phishing is a general problem of the internet, you can't just disable it, especially not on a decentralized platform.

People just need to stop believing everyone on this website.

I thought about ID verification in case a person got reported many times or flagged for scamming. I know it is very complicated, but it is one of the major problems lately. That account was just an example, but there are many of them.

Again, we are on a decentralized platform. You can't just delete or disable accounts.

I know this sounds weird, but you can have multiple views on the same subject - I guess everyone would agree that scammers are bad, but if you would start deleting accounts because you say they are bad, you could also say people of a certain opinion are bad. You know what I mean?

Decentralization is a curse and a saviour at the same time.

Yes I know what you mean and even if you delete the accounts wont help much. Everyday accounts are created and the most of them are not blogging or comment, but receiving stolen money and transferring it to Bittrex. Imagine if they steal 500$ or more more everyday, isnt that a kind of reward pool rape!

Yeah, it's even worse than reward pool rape!

If you are not able to handle your own safety online you have no place at steemit as it is right now. This why the beta is still on. Majority of people are not going to survive in steemit there is nothing to be done yet for them. Steemit is not made for people of the likes it might take a lot more time to become a safe place for people that can't handle to keep their keys safe. We have way bigger problems than babyseat them. Still though there are some steps they can follow to claim their accounts back.

And they are not losing money they are losing virtualtokens with arbitary value. And maybe their time.

Maybe we should verify accounts with a checkmark or so,like FB and Twitter do.....other than that I agree.Scamming is an existing problem on every single social platform,hasn't started with Steemit.But that's why members have the power to downvote posts if they feel like it comes from a shady account.

The fact we are still in beta speaks wonders....and if you remember back in July 2016 there was a hack of around like $80,000 that was soon resolved, but they announced the hack on the front page of steemit....everyone who I told about steemit laughed when the hacking warning was the first thing they saw....

They say they were focused on scaling instead of the UI but cmon what have they really been up to?

Take a look at Partiko app. New and a little short of features but solid as a rock and looks great :-)

other websites are now plugging into the Steem blockchain service in this way.

SMT will either make my life or break my life, because I have some high hopes with steem price. As far as ned is concerned I think he is a bit nervous. I may be wrong though.