Response To Jerry Banfield’s Exit From STEEM

in #steem6 years ago


@jerrybanfield recently made a post and a video telling how much he made from the STEEM blockchain in the last year. Basically it was $179,000. It is a sizable income and he is powering down his account and selling off most of his holdings. He no longer is interested in promoting this platform and feels everything on this platform is just making less than than the top 1% of people money and everyone else is fighting around for scraps and getting dumped on.

His video resonated a lot with me especially from the 15 minute mark on. He described how when he achieved a lot of power then he was able to engage with others with power but then saw everyone else eating dirt. While I don't agree with everything @jerrybanfield did like the JerryCoin pitch and I feel he could have approached things differently. Ultimately he said that when he tried to voice his concerns and offer solutions no one with power wanted to hear it.

In a weird turn of events he shut off his witness node two months ago instead of just collecting more rewards from this system. He is still running his paid upvote bot service.


Without vote decay he is still in 35th position. I'm asking @jerrybanfield to allow me to manage a witness node in that position and take over that shell account once he is completely powered down because I still think that STEEM might have a chance. The community is too strong and the development already done here is way too valuable for it to go away completely.

STEEM will survive even if it is always a whale hangout / circle jerk hell. With all the current problems that aren't addressed it will continue to have terrible attrition rates and leave people with a weird feeling.

In that witness position I will continue to support good content creators and also provide more support for some of the 3rd party development going on. Also I will be able to focus on STEEM development instead of working and focusing so much on EOS related stuff.

Also I will be developing a voting system where people with over 500 SP and a rep of 50 or more can vote on major platform issues like coordinated flags on accounts like @haejin . If a large amount of the community feels that issues like that are destroying the ecosystem here then the Witnesses will be encouraged to join the flag attack to bring accounts like that back into check instead of turning a blind eye to the problem and continuing to collect their passive earnings.

How ever low this dip goes we are likely to come out of it with 10 or 20 @haejin type accounts ready to create unstoppable content farms.

@jerrybanfield might not pay attention to my request but I might as well ask. The worst he can say is no.

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Thank you for reading my post and please consider following me @brianphobos


Good luck man! Did he say which project he is heading to next?

Thanks! He said he is going to focus on his YouTube following more and his courses on his website and also I think he is making music as well.

You could do so much better than that guy who kept sucking his own dick!

I have no idea how this geek stuff works but if I can support you in way I will - I'm only worth 30 cent votes this week but I've been here 2 years and I'm sticking around - thanks for being up front.

The interesting thing about Jerry's Witness campaign was that he had more unique voters than anyone else so it is potentially possible to rise up in the top 20 after I would be at 35 because the story would get around that that node is coming back online and people might find that turn of events interesting and give me a shot at it.

It might just be wishful thinking but regardless thanks for the support!

I'd like to know another witness as well as ausbitbank!



If you are really running for Witness I will totally support you. I am going to put a line in my posts telling others to vote you as witness as soon as you put out an official post as witness.

@darthnava Thanks a ton for your support. It means a lot and you have really inspired a lot of people all over the world by overcoming so much adversity.

Oh, I am honored that you have always upvoted me. Hey, when I was just starting out in Steemit, you were one of my idols. I liked the way you courageously pointed out the faults of the system and suggested ways to improve it.

Thanks! Unfortunately since I have spoken out about certain things a lot of the people with power sort of look at me like a complainer. Hahhaha
Sometimes the truth hurts!
But that is ok. :-)

Okay, good luck on your goal to become a Witness.

Good luck dude. Does this mean I need a different voting proxy? @JerryBanfield was mine....

Thanks! I think his proxy is still in place. But I don't know what he is going to do in the future. he might just leave the votes the way they were and not pay attention to it.

Hmmmm....I know voting is important but hoestly I don't know who deserves it the most. Throw your hat in the ring after/if @JerryBanfield gets back to you, and I will consider proxying you! That is if you're up for it? ;)

Hahah, Jerry getting back to me is looking like a big "IF" We will see in the next couple of days but I would have thought he would have gotten back to me. Even if he gets back to me with a big NO I would be better off with that then him just not answering. I have already had Charlie Shrem not reply to my tweet asking him if he is still supportive of the STEEM community and asking why he is posting his blog on Medium and not on STEEM but still running a Witness node and collecting rewards. Hahhahahha

These simple questions seem to never get answered around here! Hahhaha

Go Brian go!!! You have a very good Proposal for the community

Thanks for the support! It is a long shot in some respects but there was no harm in asking and hopefully Jerry will take it into serious consideration.

I think he is gone because of little rewards.He will be back as soon as steem rises.

I think he might have stuck around if STEEM could have stayed over $4 or so but I don't think we will ever see him back in the same capacity that he was here before.

Also I think he is a guy that likes to go hard at things and then jumps into new ventures. He sort of has a history of that.

Seen that before!

Hey brotha I hope you get that 35th position as a Witness and be able to manage that Node. I know you would do an excellent job.

I have mixed feelings about Jerry. He really is a good guy. But he tried too hard to make a dent with Steemit as well as Joe Parys. Where they went wrong was sometimes mentioning the MMO niche and how to make quick money. That was never going to go over well here with some of the big whales.

Also thanks for the shoot out. I think what I mentioned in my post transcends life itself. And that is never be presumptions about a person because some day their Life could change.

A quick story of this example outside Steemit : My best friend in the world lives in Nashville .He got rear ended and injured in his truck. He went to law firm of Bart Durham there to see if he could get money with a lawsuit. My friend came home and told me about this meeting with Durham's Attorney Office. He wasn't really impressed. He said this paraillgal assistant came up to him asking questions. He was an ungainly, goofy looking guy with no neck. And my friend said this guy was talking about doing modeling gigs in the past. My friend pretty much laughed to himself at this goof ball becuase he did not look like a model at all. Just really nerdy looking.

So fast forward one year later and my best friend was sitting in a Movie theater watching Road Trip. And low and behold guesse who he saw on the big screen ?? That goof ball paralegal assistance at the law firm he went to one year earlier. Seems like the guy went out to Hollwood and made it semi-big over the years. with Road Trip being his first. Watch the clip and see if you can guess this guy. Not hard lol

Man! I loved the movie road trip! I loved that guy and his Atari shirt and 75lb soaking wet build. LOL

That is a crazy story about your friend but a very important lesson. I have mixed feelings about Jerry as well. I just think the Online money making is a tough way to pitch it to people but that is the most compelling in a lot of ways.

He hasn't gotten back to me yet but he has posted several more videos on his channel but those might have been set to auto upload while he was gone with his family for labor day because it doesn't look like he has replied to many of the comments.

We will see but it is kind of like the guy in Road Trip. He didn't let his build or goofiness dictate whether he went for his dream of being an actor. If Jerry doesn't go for it then I'm not going to trip out at all. I will just do what I'm working on now and even gravitate more of my focus on EOS.

The group I post in have fun with or without votes. We have the largest steem raffle live drawing tonight for instance on discord. Hope Jerry answers you but we are partying already.

It is good to know that you have been able to create a great environment. There are a lot of good things happening on STEEM and it has a ton more potential.

Resteemed and I got your back 100% Let me know how I can help.


Thanks man! I really appreciate the support!

The problem is that he is not wrong.
But he is also not correct.

The biggest problem isn't even Steemit.
It is that a person in the developed world has to make $30,000 a year to pay to the banks so they can have a roof over their heads.

That $30,000 doesn't go into the economy, it goes into the giant furnace that is the central banking system.

So, the pennies we are making here on Steemit are just not enough, in comparison. They are not even a very good side hustle.

Unless you think about the values of all cryptos as they will be during the actual adoption. Just getting $1000 in STEEM this year, could put you in the millionaire club. But, getting $3 a day to reach that goal seems puny.

It is very true in the grand scheme of things. @papa-pepper once said that people often talk about "buying low and selling high" but it is a lot harder to "Blog low" or "program low" or "build a community low"

Another mental factor is to see our time evaporate in an extremely short amount of time.

You bet brother! I'm over here taking notes!

In a ridiculous twist of events our boy Jerry responded and wants me to pay him $49 / month to become a "partner" and then he will watch my video. I guess my upvotes to him weren't enough along the way and voting for his Witness initially when he was pumping traffic to this site.

In the end it was an idea that could have been hashed out and a last chance for me here essentially. At this point I need to focus a lot less effort here and keep focusing on other stuff.