An excellent point. As a noob, I had no idea. After nearly 3 years on Steemit, I now vote witnesses based on what I know about their work and how they conduct myselves. I don't revisit my votes as often as I should. This episode has been an object lesson in that. I tend to be a bit of an ostrich, just blogging - once a week when I am able - but this whole thing? I just don't know. And it's the little people that saw Steemit as a way into crypto and a safe haven who are going to come horribly short in this whole thing. Cannon fodder. That's all.
We were giving suggestions similar to this all the time.
Sounds good to me either. I guess most content consumers/creators even don't really know more that 3 witnesses who they should trust.
An excellent point. As a noob, I had no idea. After nearly 3 years on Steemit, I now vote witnesses based on what I know about their work and how they conduct myselves. I don't revisit my votes as often as I should. This episode has been an object lesson in that. I tend to be a bit of an ostrich, just blogging - once a week when I am able - but this whole thing? I just don't know. And it's the little people that saw Steemit as a way into crypto and a safe haven who are going to come horribly short in this whole thing. Cannon fodder. That's all.
I would even say 4... because of a math problem I have done with 5 groups being even... in trying to challenge the control of the chain.