LIVE 7pm EST: My First Talk 'Post-Release' Live Streamed by BitcoinUncensored: Steem and the Blockchain Future

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

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LIVE at 7pm EST

BitcoinUncensored will be live streaming and recording the event today!

I'll be giving my first ever talk since my release followed by a VIP dinner in St. Petersburg, Florida on September 22nd.

I will be speaking about my thoughts on the past, present and future of Blockchain. Steem and my involvement will be a large part of the talk.

Youtube Live stream here:

Space is limited, please RSVP here if you can make it:

Entrepreneur and bitcoin advocate Charlie Shrem is free and ready to make his first public appearance. He's coming to the St.Pete/Sarasota area to kick off a speaking tour talking about how he was able to coup through his adversity, use his downtime wisely, and how he's more optimistic then ever about the future of bitcoin and blockchain technology. Schedule:

7:00p-8:00p Fireside chat with Charlie
8:00p-9:30p Dinner (preselected entree menu)
9:30p-11:00p Drinks and mingle

This is a special evening you will not want to miss.

Space is very limited so please RSVP.


P.S - I wrote and edited this post on my full funcioning markdown editor (In the future SteemPower will have all my future Steem projects)

P.P.S. If you have any questions for me to answer tonight, post here!


I guess I should never be surprised, but the total lack of objectivity by the two hosts was pretty ridiculous. As a computer scientist and critical thinker, I find their blind worship of POW just a bit sad. To me if feels a lot like someone who was raised in a religion and just can't break that early indoctrination. Anyways, just to set one point straight: they claimed that Satoshi said Dan Larimer was an idiot. If so, I suppose they must have secretly spoken with Satoshi, as I've never seen any such statement in Satoshi's published writings. Here's a link to a post that does cover the interactions between them that I'm aware of (I didn't write the post, just found it in a search):

Dan's a pretty smart guy, as pretty much anyone who's met him or even looked at the software he's created can attest, so this kind of particularly off-base comment really hurts their credibility in my eyes (although I guess it was far from the only thing that did so).

Yeh I was jumping into the lions den on that one but as you saw I was able to respond to anything negative they said about steem

I really doubt that there's anything you could have said that would have had any impact on these guys. One of the guys was perpetually smirking whenever anything related to blockchain technology outside of bitcoin was discussed. I've run into this kind of this mentality before (more in religious areas than in technical areas, ofc) and generally any reasoned argument you try to make will just be ignored or derided.

I'm not saying it's impossible to change someone with this kind of attitude, but it's pretty much impossible to do it in one session, and it's usually going to take arguments from a lot of people they know, since they don't generally have the technical abilities to understand the underlying issues and have to rely on the statements of authorities they trust. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this is totally crazy: I don't bother to educate myself in every area of study either and I rely on other people's opinions to some extent in lots of things. But I try to keep in mind when I'm doing that, and keep an objective view when I hear opposition to such opinions (as you suggested at the end there).

The only way someone would react like this is if Steem was a threat to their ecosystem.

Chris DeRose is an idiot, look at this piece he just wrote up in CoinDesk:

Nice work trying to keep an open mind and rebut their comments.
They are big guys with big voices and i feel like sometimes you had to fight pretty hard just to get a word in. I hope everything calmed down at the dinner and you were able to relax and enjoy the night. I will shoot you an email about the next BeyondBitcoin hangout (i was waiting for you to do this as it was advertised as your First Talk).
I can promise you a much more relaxed and open environment with some smart and passionate people open to hearing about the news, advancements and goals of all projects including Bitcoin.

It's worth noting that Steem is not a direct competitor to Bitcoin, and actually helps it by introducing new people to crypto.

Completely agree +5%

And steals their money and time, when they could just be using with less risk and complication

You could say PayPal has less risk and complication than bitcoin, but that's comparing apples to oranges.

great comment. upvoted. The "stupid" exchange starts at 1:28:36 and I loved how Charlie diplomatically responded to them.

As a computer scientist you should probably know what Godel's incompleteness theorem is too, the laws of thermodynamics, byzantine fault tolerance, and sybil attacks - which invalidates the idea of proof-of-stake.

You're a pretty funny guy. No doubt most computer scientiests keep track of Godel's incompleteness and the laws of thermodynamics in their daily work where you work. Presumably these are the same guys who never write any actual code, but just draw nice pictures of their software architecture designs. As an engineer (not because of my computer scientist training) I do happen to be aware of the laws of thermodynamics (primary from a course in thermo I took about 30 years ago), but even in my day-to-day work as an electrical engineer they weren't laws I needed to think about much. Of course, I'm pretty aware of sybil attacks and I have a reasonable familiarity with BFT after working in crypto for a few years (it wasn't something I studied before that, even though I've been programming for over 30 years). Anyways, none of those concepts have been utilized to show that the delegated-proof-of-stake method used by graphene doesn't work in practice, and a lot of actual monetary value is sitting out there for the "armchair computer scientist" who thinks he can show differently.

filip is a troll

We should get Dan on the show. Want to make that happen?

Very disappointing interview. Charlie, next time please choose better interviewers. These guys were just annoying. Plus a lot of unchallenged misinformation regarding Steemit.

Love the stories and insights from Charlie, but agree that Junseth and Chris brought the mood down; i was mostly impacted by the Q&A at the end when they were belittling and constantly talking over the people asking questions and Charlie himself. Not sure if i have not seen enough of their content to realise this is how they are but after hearing some of their comments today i'm not very interested in seeing any more.
Kudo's to the Guy in the back asking all the questions, i feel sorry for him, it must have been tough..

They're the second dumbest people in the space. Honestly, I don't even know why charlie agreed to film with them.

I did my best to challenge them on it

Maybe a bit more education before publicly speaking of the subject will be advised. Steemit has a lot of haters out there that don't even understand what they are talking about.

By the way, I am no expert and hope others more capable can chime in on the question, but Steemit needs its own currency (and can not use bitcoin) because bitcoin has neither the speed, throughput, or economics (Steem has zero fee structure) to handle a project like that Steemit and that it's attempting to do.

I think Charlie has a decent knowledge of the steem and cannot fault him for his attempt to defuse the fud as I think even Dan would struggle against this team(not on the technical details)... despite having a lot of technical reason why Steemit at it current scale could not work as efficiently on Bitcoin if at all; as suggested by the guy in the back he would struggle to get a word in and even if he did and offered indisputably valid points, i still do not think this would change the minds sets of Chris and Junseth.

i would love to see a moderated debate on the subject!! with Dan on the affirmative; equal uninterpreted speaking time with an independent final judgement. i think Dan could mop the floor with these guys :)

Same. Dan would shit on their face. let's talk to him and see if we could make that happen?

Steemit is the best version of on the internet. It's got all the same features, and it's monetized by speculators!

Great news - whether it is possible to ask questions in the chat?

If you have a question, I'd post it here right now because Im watching these comments. As for later, Im not sure, but probably just from the experiences of the BU guys.

I think we'll leave the questions from our magazine later) You understand what I mean)

Not the biggest fans of BitcoinUncensored, I believe in bitcoin, but these guys believe it is the only blockchain that could ever work and everything else is a scam. They take bitcoin maximalism to a whole new level.

Testnet seems to be working too. Don't forget the testnet3 network.

Good news and may the force stay with you and us all. Namaste :)

I note that the hosts put down both @Dan and Roger Ver too. Not too classy. Not sure what they have done besides commentating? Shrug. Anyway, @charlieshrem you did a great job of maintaining your integrity throughout the episode. Thanks.

Awesome - so glad you announced this here again - peace!

sounds great