Be part of a feature on Steem for VICE Motherboard
As I mentioned in my first post, I'm a journalist and new to the Steemit community. As such, I'm very interested in its potential as a new funding model for journalism, but would also like to take into account criticisms that have been levelled at it and try to understand how it is likely to develop going forward.
I will be writing a feature on Steemit for VICE Motherboard, and am looking for sources who can talk to me about their experience using the platform, especially:
- Writers who have been able to make large amounts of money through the platform, or sums comparable to more conventional freelance work.
- Users who have invested their own money in Steem.
- Users who have been involved with the platform since the early stages.
- Anyone who has experienced negative aspects of the community they are willing to share.
- Anyone with an unconventional story relating to Steem.
I need to be able to fact-check any information provided so you need to be happy with going on record with the information, i.e. I won't be able to include any anonymous claims.
If you'd like to talk you can reach me through Twitter as @corintxt where I have open DM's, alternatively my email is in the format [email protected] (you'll see my name on Twitter). Of course feel free to comment directly on this post too, or tag another user who fits the above criteria.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Yes steemit is offically on motherboard.
Good link Thanks. @aizensou
Here's an unconventional story you may find interesting: the bitfinex hack from yesterday was published on steemit three weeks before it actually happened.
some of the negative aspects of the site are talked about in this informative thread:
hey thanks for the shoutout!!!! I still think my fucked up makeup tutorial really gets into the true horror of being hacked......but yeah, that one really does describe how the hacker took over
And this is what it felt like when hacker entered:
The hacker story is very speculative tho..
Thanks for the reply, I'll look into it, definitely of interest.
Hey @corintxt - someone told me to come over here and say hello :)
I am @fyrstikken - I joined about a month ago, and this place is absolutely fantastic.
a quick history of my social media life
I´ve got 18,000 youtube-subscribers and 20,000+ twitter followers and 3000+ facebook friends that I am more or less abandoning/bringing over to as I´m no longer committed to spend any time on social networks or content-networks that waste my time.
Steemit is where the action is
#steemit is where the action is, and I have a feeling the corporate social medias including a bunch of traditional medias will either die or having to re-invent themselves and become visible on to have a future, or end up somewhat like MySpace.
Steemit changes the game for everyone - and since you cannot beat it - join it
I welcome you to take a look at my blog over at @fyrstikken I make cartoons, videos, entertainment, comedy, articles - and will keep doing it for steemit.
To contact me
If you want to contact me directly, please fill out the form at my website:
Thank You :)
OH god!!!! I've been writing to VICE for a while now, in the hopes of having something in there! But seriously, I think the VICE audience will really appreciate my psycho makeup tutorial where I go in agonizing detail about having my account hacked to shreds by a hacker a few weeks ago: (beware:this is crazy) :
Hey @corintxt Good to see Vice getting into this. I'm a documentary maker from Amsterdam and I'm going to use Steemit as a "behind the scenes" platform while I'm working on a new documentary.
As you can see there is not much of a film community around here, yet. I have some thoughts on that though.
This is a post about the documentary I'm currently working on
Thanks for the reply, and the email, let's carry on the discussion!
@corintxt: as you can see from this data chart, I'm the #1 author as far as monetary rewards are concerned. This also gives a lot of data to work with:

Here's a visual of that website to give you the info:
@stellabelle ----> (9) #JUP
what does #JUP mean?
#JUP means something like "yes!" or "Allright" or "hmhmm"
It was meant as a compliment :)
Thanks @stellabelle, the rankings given by the site are very useful.
Hey so if that's so, could you do me a solid and check out my last post and give me some feedback?
Wow, nice! I love VICE magazine. I can't wait to see what you'll write about!
me too! I've been submitting my work to VICE for a loooooooong time.
I've been using Steem and Steemit since April. I can share most of these things, barring an unconventional story. I would be willing to talk to you on the condition of pseudonymity.
Hi @pfunk, thanks for the response but in order to verify information I'm looking for people who will go on record with names.
Ok good luck. I look forward to the article!
I like VICE!
I can bring some interesting feedback about how the community managed platform criticism after the Steemit Debate here
and of course I give you the link to the critics I did after debate
I got in pretty early, but I'm too lazy to write to you.