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RE: Dear Ned & Steemit Inc.

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Ned moved the company’s stake because certain witnesses were threatening a HF to remove his access. He simply did what any smart person would do when his company was being threatened.
He then also pulled his support for the apps being run by the same people threatening him. I mean, what the fuck would they expect him to do?


Any references to back that up?

Yeah, I would be interested in any concrete proof of these claims about the projects involved.

I think same ... I see lot say Ned bad ... but also lot not say that is there some one who make him to do this :)
But soon we see ... I know we have some users here who want own all.

This makes the most amount of sense. If what you're saying that the people threatening for this HF were running those platforms, then it all makes perfect sense. I'd do the same thing if I were him.

Please give me a source for this info!

Ten months of inactivity? What brought ya back?

Posted using Partiko Android

It would be great if this were the case because everyone would understand that, but how hard is it to just come out and say that? Doing this with no official communication is shady AF.

Dear @crystalandbones, @foxkoit

Thank you for your great comment and sharing your knowledge with us.

He simply did what any smart person would do when his company was being threatened.

I wish there would be more communication happening between Ned and Steemit community.

And @personz, @seo-boss, midlet and @ats-david have a point. Some evidence would be useful.


What's your relationship to @justinw, by the way? It seems odd that you would make these claims and provide zero evidence, considering the relationship of you/your account with a STINC employee.