Steemit Alternative Surfaces on the Internet. Your thoughts?

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

DECENT is a decentralized content distribution network that is open­ source and utilizes blockchain to ensure security. It allows borderless publishing of any Digital Content. Intention of the project is to revolutionize Data Distribution on the Internet. To reach its goals, DECENT aims to create a fully Integrated and Trustworthy Worldwide System of Digital Content Distribution in which the communication flow is secured and timestamped by the Blockchain Mechanism.

Focusing on flexibility & sustainable development, DECENT Network provides infrastructure of linked systems which enables to set more intelligent international standards of efficient, cost­ effective & secure content distribution. DECENT Network is an independent system of data distribution. Thanks to the elimination of 3 rd parties from the communication and data sharing process, DECENT keeps full control over the network’s performance. Therefore it ensures high transaction speed and reliability. DECENT was created as a unique network based on its own blockchain mechanism in order to provide the best solutions without being dependant or constrained by the attributes of other softwares.

DECENT has 3 functional roles:
• Authors: writers, music producers, ... (content producers)
• Consumers: readers, listeners, ... (content consumers)
• Publishers: miners DECENT combines several functional layers.

While authors produce content and upload it to the network, publishers are the key element in keeping the DECENT Network up and running. DECENT uses a modified Proof of Stake (POS) mechanism in order to achieve consensus of various nodes in the network. This is based on the stake of space/time ratio provided by publishers (“miners”) and their CPU time spent by distributing keys.

The heart of the solution is the blockchain. Several processes and associated transactions are being designed and fine tuned for the use cases like ­ publishing content, buying content and providing feedback. Underlying cryptography is used to make everything secure, just naming decryption key sharing, various zero knowledge proofs, etc. For detailed description download the whitepaper.

DECENT software sale is a one­time opportunity to become a basic element of Blockchain driven decentralized future of media. Joining the digital revolution and helping DECENT to create the independent publishing platform for everybody around the world.

The software sale is a crucial point in the evolution of DECENT network. It will create the decentralized nature of the network and provide resources for further development. The proceeds from the Software Sale will be primarily used to fund development of the future releases of DECENT, protocol optimization and its maintenance. DCT allows individuals or organizations to buy, sell & share genuine digital content without any third party influence or restrictions. It also serves as an anti spam protection and reward for seeders/miners (or publishers in DECENT terminology). DCT is not just a cryptocurrency. It represents a fuel to the network, a software tool which makes DECENT work.

After the launch of the final release of DECENT Network, tokens will be issued according to the software sale results. Certain amount of the tokens will be allocated as follows:
1,000,000 DCT – Promotion Bounties
3,000,000 DCT – Pre­software Sale Marketing
35,000,000 DCT – DECENT Foundation

The initial value of DCT will increase simultaneously with the software sale progress. Which means the early participants get more for smaller value and apply for higher bonuses.

Source: DECENT Network Aims To Revolutionize Online Data

What your thoughts on this new platform compared to Steemit?

DISCLAIMER : This is a was a press release given to us to publish, for those pointing out to copy and paste this post is quite different to your refrences but unfortunately most people are not happy with their earnings and think the blog will go so low just to obtain some money. Bots are not always right and rule out real life events. But its all alright we are sorry if we offended the community, about the "link" we cross posted it from blog along with links and all that except the image to create some difference. We are willing to donate all proceeds to a steemit challenge of the communities choice. Thank you.


ICO? I'd like to see a working prototype that people can play with.

Steemit has set the bar so high, it's going to be difficult for these competitors to catch up.

Here is the last video from DECENT on their YouTube page. It's from six months ago and is of their prototype:

My thoughts? No offence but they need to be delivering kryptonite in their next iteration to make a dent on Steemit. I'm sure rivals will emerge, but I've yet to see any serious contenders.... (I do like the name though)

I think we're going to see a lot of Steem clones.

P.S. Your article reads just like a press release - was it? Or have you signed up to Decent and actually reviewed their site?

Hi! I am a content-detection robot. This post is to help manual curators; I have NOT flagged you.
Here is similar content:

So this guys copy pasted some content and got 2000 USD for it...

copy paste earn $2451 hahaha nice work #cheetah

Steemit seriously needs to deploy a vast army of content detection bots just like @cheetah if it has to live a reputable standard which is crucial for credibility.

Plenty of valuable social media is shared by copy paste. People share things on FB and Twitter every day that THEY DID NOT CREATE... part of going viral is dependent on who shares your posts and who follows them. Granted I see the points people make about receiving payment for something they did not create, but that's more due to the people who upvote and comment. I'm sure there will be more content like this that does well.

It just doesnt feel right

Maybe not, but what is Steemit? IS it a social media platform as advertised? Not really, social media like FB & Twitter is filled with random posts and updates about people's day, or what they just did. Or, much of it is just re-posts and shares, many that go viral. Many that are not content created by the original person before it goes viral. It's a good thing on social media when I share a Youtube video, or a Coindesk article, or a picture that I did not take, but I like these things and share it with others. Now, there is a difference in copy/paste and pass off as work your did, and sharing like we do on social media. But, Steemit is starting to feel like a blogging site, not really a social media site. And that's not a complaint, it's just an observation. It seems like people who share good content on here, are not really rewarded, and that's fine, but in reality, that's not social media as we know it. Good, original content on here is rewarded, and that's fine, but that makes it feel like another blogging site.

People that share on FB and other places are, generally speaking. not profiting to the extent that one can here. While it is at least partially due to the misguided rewarding that is done by those that upvote, if those upvoters are not aware they are not upvoting original content, then that is a big difference.

IMO, and some others, using others content unfairly doesn't deserve to be profited from. If we make an effort to keep the content here as original as possible, not only do the users become better content creators, we set the bar higher for the rest of the world. I'm sure many of us couldn't care less about having principles and ethics, as long as we are making maximum profits, but since I am a part of this community I will continue to give my input on how I want it to be with my words and my votes.

I get that. But, if that's the case, then Steemit really is not a social media site. It's another blogging site. Social media as we know it is filled with sharing content that goes viral. I understand that when money is involved it affects people's opinions on how original content is. What will be interesting to see, is how the site stays as it grows to a massive amount of users. I'm not really for or against people making money on something that is not their original content, or vice versa. If you share something that i like and see value in, i'm upvoting it. I also think there's a difference in sharing content that someone else created and passing it off as your own. That difference is huge.

For god sake don't compare Facebook and Twitter with Steemit. People share their shit on there without getting incentives. The same thing CANNOT be said here.

I do what I want.

He has the opportunity to prove he wrote this. But he hasn't yet, it's very likely he plagiarized this post.

I did not copy and paste, its a press release and was modified by the blog, I am very sorry if it came accross that way.

Thank you cheetah.... I have removed my vote!

You are not so smart unfortunately, thats the problem with bots is they fail to understand real life scenarios

You posted this article with your affiliate link, i don't know what to think. Articles with affiliate links are not trustable.

Well spotted

Affiliate links are all over the Internet. In fact the "free" Internet is just a series of affiliate links. I don't think an affiliate link makes content inherently untrustable.

That being said, I don't think they above article is going to get much of a payday beyond his author reward. That site looks like it kind of sucks.

According to FAQ has been going since 2015.

Who is behind DECENT?

Founders Matej Michalko and Matej Boda brought the idea of DECENT to realization phase in early 2015. Since then the team of DECENT has grown steadily to a group of experienced developers, designers, marketers, advisors and people who came together to change the future of publishing. Development of DECENT is created by professionals around the globe from Asia to Europe. You can find us in our Team member section.

Affiliate links are Okay so long as the content is original. Otherwise we'll be copy pasting on here all day long. How does that look like?

It was a cross post from our blog, once again we are sorry about it

This sounds very interesting and kind of close to what LBRY is trying to accomplish, yeah?

I don't know that this threatens Steemit as much as it would sit comfortably next to steemit as one of the websites of choice in the future of the internet. I'm all for the decentralization movement though, so I'll definitely look deeper to see what distinguishes them from others.

Still up in the air... Should I flag this post? I think I may have to, who else is thinking the same thing ?

It should be. This is immorality.

I don't mind if it is not original. If the original author feels cheated then next time, that author should post it here.😃

I have withdrawn my vote. @dashpaymag, you have posted a lot of great content, and earned a good reputation.
I am not sure whats up with this one, but here are some red flags:

  • tracking link with your identifier (did someone pay you to post this)?
  • copy-paste content

I have not flagged you, but I am less likely to curate your posts until you restore my faith in your reputation.

I went back to the beginning of @dashpaymag's posts. There was a question brought up as to whether this user was associated with the website

I haven't read through all the posts or the the site but I cannot find the cross posting that was requested to validate their identity. While the website as an advertisement for Steemit, I don't see a reference in any of the articles to his posting on Steemit nor do I see a follow me on Steemit link. I also looked at their Twitter feed Facebook page and found no reference.

Hey you can always check via email, its [email protected]

Last post on my account this article look at the date of publication not had much success but today I see this post and is identical to the mine, still without understand that happens

Haha, it is something ... )))