After your first injury, when you reluctantly realize that you will never go pro, you can finally start focusing on the things that you will do for the rest of your life

in #steem6 years ago

That is when you learn who you really are.

Who are you?

What are those things?

Here is what you kids are realizing/learning.

The skills expressed by the great masters like Picasso and Van Gogh are not as dificult for todays evolved superstar to emulate at a very intense, emotional, and high level.

Of course, before computers, and high human population numbers which ensure that more extremely talented individauls are produced, even obtaining a set of paints was very hard.

The Space Force is truly talented and capable of generating massive cultural change.

They are also young and have lots of time to spare.

They are empowered by a blockchain reward pool that generates their daily bread.

The mastery of the 2 dimensional space is not that difficult compared to the mastery of the 3rd and 4th dimensions.


And now you have the ability to teach your mastery to millions instantly thanks to steem. This is a powerful tool that all you genius masters now have before you. More power than Leonardo di Whoever EVER had!

With computers your minds subliminally learn balance, shape, line, time rhythm texture lighting and of course color beyond spectrum.

You are learning, mastering, and teaching advanced concepts, but not without efforts which seek to be super human.

Through time you are now able to communicate your vision of how you want to be.

How do you want to be?

So please tell me Steemjet Space Force.


Answering this question for me will help me organize 100 plus geniuses which is never easy!


God didn't create me to be average. I was created to excel and I have everything to make that possible.

I wanna be a better me, better than I was the previous sec........... And it goes that way.

Taking steem to its next level is a perfect tutor to know HOW I WANT TO BE.

Thanks for you sir...

Have just taken a brief review of my life from the past, say 10years ago. As a Person, several plans always come running through my mind. To be a professional footballer, a musician like in the category of Jim Reeves, all this I came to realize that they where mere dreams.
How I want to be
I have gained some financial freedom through the help of steemjet. I want to be a person, that will always remember the source of my wealth and the means which it comes.
How will I remember the source of my wealth? I know there are no amounts I can pay back in return to this community , so to remember this community I'll always have the WORD CHARITY at the back of my mind. I want to be a philanthropist, going to visit the orphanage, the poor and the needy at the same time I'll use the medium to explain to them how I gained my financial freedom which is through STEEM.
How will I remember the means? I want to be a person who can for no reason forget his means.

  • I want to be a person that will always give to the means first before considering another.
  • I want to be a person that will encourage others to join the means.
  • I want to be a person that will work hard to be a STAR just to make the means proud.

Thank you @dimimp for giving Us The opportunity to share our vision .

@dimimp sir you are a great man...


I am only human, with the name Emmanuel Patrick #Empato.
I am literal observer who loves to observe in order to create reality, a humble servant!
I am a student studying Electrical engineering that fell in love with the blockchain.
I am the only one that can make my dreams come true when I wake up.

I have the time because I have realised what steem and the blockchain can do for me.


I guess the question is, what are those things you've learnt?
A wise man once told me that two things defines us. Our patience when we have noting and our humility when we have everything.
It was maya angelou who said "I've learnt that I still have a lot to learn. We often find out that the feeling of "knowing" makes us judge and criticize others, and that's why we see that judging can be critical but observing can be educational, therefore, we should be more focused on improving ourselves that we don't have any energy to criticize anyone else.
I believe that we should never let compliments get to our head and never let criticism get to our heart because when we do that, we can start to build with genuiness and authenticity.
That's why brain herbert said: "The capacity to learn is a gift, the ability to learn is a skill, but the willingness to learn is a choice.


I want to be FREE!!!!!!!....
Free in the sense that I will have the liberty to be in control of my own future. The blockchain has gotten the keys to my heart and I will pitch it right here.
I want to be someone who has enough joy that I can give out to others around me too.
I want to rich and comfortable. I want to be strong and intelligent. I want to be the best in whatever I can do. I also want to have a lotof steempower of my own😎

I'm in love with the blockchain😍😘



How do you want to be remembered?
As a sinner or a saint, as a hero or a villain
I Think about the steps I take and I think before I say.

All my life I've been searching for the answers
How did I lose so much of the things that really mattered.
Is there no paradise 'cause I feel no joy or laughter
Seems everything I touch only turns into disaster
So I ask myself.
What do I want.

I want to prosper and live long to tell my children about my mistakes.

Cause on the day when i face judgment i better have my story straight.

I want to be the cause of love and pain.

Thanks for you sir...

This makes a good poetry writing I must say.

But while telling your children about your mistakes, don't you want to also tell them about cryptocurrencies, steem and steemjet too?

Don't you want to tell them about the legacy @dimimp is leaving behind?

Who am I?
Used to play around this question while growing up, back then I never knew what it felt to have responsibilities. But as you progress in life, you start putting your life to shape. And now I know who i am, and what I want. I thrive for success and I am a survivor, and my passion drives me to success. A great philosopher once said man know thyself . When you realise who you are, only then can things work out well, in you and for others.

As member of the steemjet, we need to discover ourselves, if we want to help discover others

By now we space force members should have realised that steemJet is a global company on its March out of space. We are the light bringers of steem . Our duty is to rain steem and crypto currency. But how much do we know of steem. Let's know alot about crypto. Even if it's a one week steemjet crypto lesson meet up. To preach the gospel of crypto, we have to be pastors and ministers of steem.

On the 23rd of June, the boss @deandaniel and I will be preaching the message Of crypto and steem around the school campus . Hopefully hundreds will turn out.

If space force member ain't working, then the jet can't fly. So we need workers review and of course rewards. Rewards have one of note.

For the steemJet to fly high. We Should be allowed to learn to fly the jet. Just incase our pilot turns out sick. Space force is the engine of steemJet and should be the most serious and respected part of steemJet.

Where there is organisation, there is progress. It's hard to know every worker by name. But reviews by hod of department can be done to show which worker is doing his time.

I tried writing a letter to my school authority to ask for permission to use a venue for steemjet awareness, and I got stuck in the address. It's high time we have a physical location or a physical headquater, at least space force members to report to there, and call one their own.

Steemjet is a global company, and progress and success comes with responsibility

thankyou sir :)

Have a good luck for the visit and i hope millions of people will turn into the stremit community..
I also hope very soon we will see global adoption of steemjet..@dimimp @deandaniel

Thanks for you sir...

@dannytroniz you have said well and I like the idea but on the issue of one's in a week meet up to learn about cryptocurrencies don't you think rather it should be in every states to make it more global because their are some individuals who can't make it to a particular state if it's too be hold there. So I think with your idea, the steemjet space force members from all conners of the state should be taught about cryptocurrencies, steemit,steem, and steemjet. Then we can all move to our various different location to preach about cryptocurrencies,steemit steem and steemjet. That way the one in a week meeting can be done and carried out effectively.

Perfect, your suggestion brings out the beauty of what I had in mind. We could call it conference of steemJet space force


Thanks for you sir...

Thanks you sir my happy day

You don't need to be a space force pilot to tell and preach about steemit, steem, steemjet. We already have an active pilot @lordjames, who is piloting the steemjet well. You can achieve our goal in your own little way.

hello @dimimp am @kilatunzii of sf4 (tech team) I want to assure you that the space force members would handle this jet perfectly, and you will be amazed at what we have accomplished.

Thanks for you sir....

We are optimistic about the tech department and I would say you guys have been doing a great job.
keep it up.

It is hard to find a true patriot. The question should be who is ready for service for the upliftment and the actualization of the steemjet project? You can give a man all the money in the world but if he has not the motive to serve the money is just a free gift. Service is the key word

Thanks for you...

First I think you meant a true pilot but you had a spelling error.
Now to the question, we already have a pilot @lordjames who is working selflessly to see that the steemjet flys beyond.

Patriot means loyalist. I hope you have learnt something today. Every day is a learning process. And I didn't mention @steemjet not having a head what I was talking about is centred on service and not personal gain. I know most of the space force member has good intentions for the @steemjet project and @dimimp but I am concerned in a way.

@uche-nna the musical icon with talent.......