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RE: Steemjet Records Logo Contest - 5,000 STEEM in prizes + "STEEM HIGH" Logo Contest Results
#2 is cool, but I love shartzy's plane. I just sent you 50 steem for the steem high contest, thanks for the hard work my friend!
Hello Boss @dimimp, this was my entry into the Steemhigh Contest and I would appreciate If you give it a grade, I took alot of effort to create this virtually out of nothing. I appreciate your efforts and will contribute in other contest too.
My New Entry : 1


Sir I can graphics design as well but I have not any laptop or computer so I can't do it. sir please if you give 250 steem for laptop I can buy a laptop.
Please help us sir
excellent sir. would get on that. would be working with the likes of @lioneleagle in this task. i humbly request a promotion for him and myself too. he's not yet on the space force and i'm spaceforce 7. a little bump up for the both of us would be a major gamechanger and motivation. a steembath wouldn't hurt would mean a lot sir @dimimp if this request is granted.......
@dimimp you missed this ,
and some paper work ready i need your response on this ASAP . These are snapshots of a travel history to south Africa for a jazz show .
Hahahaha man , don’t cause me more pains laughing bruh really ? Even the scriptures says “ye are gods “ are we not gods? You know the genesis fam . Not sure you have seen it but i am thinking of performing real smooth jazz music at the steem fest in November , what do you think ? spoke with lordjames the other day and he said a participant would cost bout $2000 that’s excluding visa fee and service application on each applicant I am looking on this with @yungchief and @etemi , roughly with the increase in the steem market , I was hoping you can sponsor the three of us on our movements with 8000 - 10000 Steem this would be a great achievement for us , and the steemjetmusic department , not only that it will bring A lot of experience , As I speak I already got my passports
You asked for a switch from my plane to shartzy's, i have done that already.
check out the new designs
Colour Variant 1
Colour Variant 2
Colour Variant 3
Hope you like them
Tech dev team
Hello @dimimp, these are different concepts of all my entries to this contest in coloured and I pray you find atleast one of them worthy of a position up there.
Keeping my fingers crossed
It might interest you to know that I did all these designs with my phone as I can't afford a laptop coz I am just a broke student and my parents wouldn't get me a laptop coz they feel I won't put it to good use. I wish they could see how much of a talent you have brought out in me. It would gladen my heart if you assist me with some steem to this effect.
I know you have a tight schedule right now and trying to focus on other things but this is a plea from a broke student...Anticipating your response sir.