in #steem5 years ago (edited)

DTUBE COIN SALE ROUND #1 is live in 60 minutes!


The DTube Coin Sale round #1 is finally live on https://token.d.tube!

Go to the Token page

Visit https://token.d.tube to learn everything about the DTube Coin economy and Buy DTCs.


Purchasing process: 3 easy steps

  1. Sign-in to your DTube account (or create a new one)
  2. Fill in the required information
  3. Select the amount of DTC to buy and pay with either STEEM or Other cryptocurrencies and check you Mailbox for confirmation


DTC round #1 key facts

  • Sale price: $0.10 per DTC (This will be the best rate among all DTC token sales)
  • Amount for sale: 1 Million DTC / worth $100,000 in total
  • Payment method: STEEM, BTC, BCH, ETH, LTC and USDT
  • Kick off: Sale starts on september 20th, 2019 at 18.00 UTC
  • Delivery: You will be able to check your DTC balance in the following days, after we have reviewed and processed the sale.
  • Utility: You will be able to use the full feature of your DTCs at launch of the Main-net (no later than end of Q4)

More details:

  • Check the full article about the token sale here
  • Check the DTC ecosystem full roadmap here

Need support?

For support from the team and the community, please comment this post or go to our:

If you have lost your private keys, please read this article.

The DTube team


I don't see detailed information on any of your posts about how the 50% of tokens will be distributed to existing DTube users from Steem. Could that be explained in detail?

What I'm curious about is what kind of interaction is rewarded. Purely making videos and posting them? Or are commenters and voters included as well?

Also, why is it that Steem users can no longer claim their accounts?

Hey @pfunk! Unfortunately I can not answer you on all of your questions but at least I can give you this link:
https://d.tube/onboarding There steemian can still claim their account. The overlay for the DTC sale replaced the account creation link...


Link works but in the middle of the process there is problem so hou cannot finish the process.

What problem?

The process starts but cannot finish. I findanother way.

if you tell me what keeps you from finishing probablyI can help you :) I am a node leader and I have some insights on that creation process. So which step do you stuck? Is there any error message ? Something more precise than "cannot finish" ? :)

I see that the end date for my account was 31 August. That seem rediculous as I found out for Dtube this Saturday. However, I have created Dtube account and I can publish videos but the e perience is not like promised in many videos. Actually, experience on YouTube is far better and I think that Dtube is finished. I published 3 videos, got some likes on Saturday and that is it, no more views or likes or DTC increase. I have started with no DTC but have some VP due to registration. Thank you for help, but I think that 31 August was the finial date for that link.

For me during the verification stage when I am sent to https://beta.steemconnect.com a Heroku app error page loads instead. I can't get beyond this and claim my username 😕

русские есть ) иль как ? неужели нету?
images (6).jpg

не в курсе!

People have failed to see what you did with our post that helps all of us and have kinda blindly downvoted.

@anomadsoul @howo @lordbutterfly ... did you see this and if so why the downvote?

Heya, this was an automated downvote because the post had lots of bidbots. Removed the downvote and will improve the trail.

Thanks for the heads up :)

Care to elaborate? This post has been botted to the top of trending. Is @null set as beneficiary?

Posted using Partiko Android

SPS is set as beneficiary at 100%.

You can use steempeak.com to view the post and view the beneficiaries (steemDAO) :)

 5 years ago (edited)

Or you can use steemit.com which also displays this information and allows you to set beneficiaries 🙂

Just click on the payout amount to see a drop down:

Screen Shot 2019-09-20 at 4.16.53 PM.png

Was on my phone. Used partiko. Doesnt show the beneficiary.
Was surprising that Heimin would use bots. Id prefer the burn over the SPS but this is good as well.
I removed the downvote.

wow i was just reading these old posts and its an incredible view into the mechanics of steem blockchain and how the comments system is used as little mini courtroom where the executive decisions concerning upvotes and downvotes and possible downvote removal ,can be discussed. Its an APPEAL process!!!! I can tell thsi will all be formalized and I want to write a post and a Medium article about how the new steem social mechanics are working.

I feel i can go one by one to all downvoted users who feel upset at your downvotes like i once did, and explain the situation and even present them with some tokens on a per case basis, as that usually lubricates things. People just ned to understand the bigger picture. When i was forced away from bid bots, even if i never used them much, I was forced into a situation where I could argue for the purchase of SP, and thus, i received funds from a project to get 100,000 SP for their account over https://dlease.io so the system is working. I was forced into buy Delegation which is MUCH better. Now I am addicted to delegation and dlease and now that EOS is having delegation cpu problems, im even asking @dlease @buildteam if we can add eos delegation p2p market on dlease as people are begging for eos delegation like drug addicts :D Steem can teach eos a thing or two!

We can learn a lot from the new steem social mechanics and apply lessons to other chains. We just have to not tweak but amplify a few things and let me do some damage control for anyone who is upset at a downvote. I will teach users what to do and how they can begin to promote on https://steempeak.com clicking edit > promote to burn steem and get posts ACTUALLy seen in trending and peoples tribe feeds.

I love how well this system is working! I feel we need an article on this speals process!

Woops, noted.

sure, me too

@dtube are shit downvote me al time becouse i upload videos to the shit site

Nope, not interested. I tried dtube so many times and received pretty much no support from you guys. I'll never use your platform again, never buy your coin, nothing. Zip, zilch, nada.

Your business model depends on user retention correct? I mean it must, since you're a platform which relies on user uploads to continue your business. Well you lost me.

I'm with @threespeak now!!!! And no doubt, their business model is for the users, not some circle jerk bullshit.

Best wishes dtube.

Hi, @Dtube! And thank you for the updates! I would agree with some commentators that more detailed information about the project would be really appreciated.

The DTube Privacy Policy   stopped me in my tracks during the sign up process for the token sale. In relation to sharing user data and personal information it essentially states that user data and personal information will not be shared, except for when it is, circumstances for which are liberal:

"We will not share, sell, or give away any of our users" personal information to third parties, unless one of the following circumstances applies:"

"• Except as it relates to advertisers and our ad partners, we may share information with vendors, consultants, and other service providers who need access to such information to carry out work for us;"

"• We may share information (and will attempt to provide you with prior notice, to the extent legally permissible) in response to a request for information if we believe disclosure is in accordance with, or required by, any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request;"

"• We may share information between and among DTube, and its current and future parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, and other companies under common control and ownership;"

That circumstance of "governmental request" being separate from legal process either legislative or regulatory.

The information requested during token sale sign up:

  • Country of residence
  • Contact Email
  • Full Name
  • Postal Address

Additional DTube voting power and DTC are awarded to users who also supply their Fb account and phone number.

I'll be very clear: I wish no harm to DTube's reputation or token sale, nor cast any aspersions on character or intent, I just know that most people don't read EULA's or Privacy/Confidentiality Statements so I'm posting this here for others to see prior to signing up. Once information becomes uncontrolled, by whatever mechanism or party, it's out there for good, for today and tomorrow.

I do not wish to risk being part of the next Cambridge Analytica   or Equifax; I do not know your current or future parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, etc et al, businesses buy and sell each other in addition to assets, and governments change hands, so the ultimate fate of this personal information in indeterminable, therefore, sorry, but cancel.

The kyc part for an utility token turned me off as well...

We need to collect this data for the sake of the token sale. This sale is regulated by ecommerce laws and hence forces use to collect this set of data. We need it only to establish a billing document and to calculate payment restrictions and VAT depending on where you live.
We do not collect any data for marketing purposes and will never do.

Wow, that's a (little) shock.
Thanks for your research.
Mixed feelings...

Thanks for claiming your concerns but you kind mixed different things.
Although we still pursue the vision of a decentralized web and no ads, no collection of personal data for ad targeting, we have to abide by the laws of our country of incorporation.

  • The data you stated above are the MINIMUM COMPULSORY data we have to collect by operating a token sale, under the e-commerce laws. This is why we collect it, we need to be able to
    1/generate billing documents (name, address),
    2/to send you a confirmation email to validate your purchase (email) and
    3/calculate taxes and payment restrictions depending on where you live (country of residence).

Please also note we haven't asked any more information than what is purely compulsory.

  • About our privacy policy, as @star.citizen commented below, we cannot get around these 3 points of sharing data.

  • About the signup process, we ONLY ASK FOR AN EMAIL address as a required data, everything else i, again, not used to target our users with ads but just to make sure all our users are real users and not bots trying to abuse the system. We had to be very cautious on that point because a DTube account is not a simple social media account, it will handle DTube Coins tokens that can be used to exchange value.

  • In addition to this, we will open the possibility in the future to create an instant 100% free account on DTube.

We are very far from Cambridge Analytica-like scandals, DTube is and always be 100% transparent and without ads.
We are building the future of social media with a totally renewed business model. You can trust DTube as it has been 2 years we are building our project with full transparency, way more than any other project in the blockchain space

I understood the need to collect the data prior to stating my concerns. My concerns still stand on the basis that it isn't possible to guarantee security of this information once it is disclosed because any of the listed potential parties, present or future, are not able to guarantee the prevention of misuse or accidental disclosure of the information. The Privacy Policy lists many potential parties and circumstances for disclosure of this information.

These concerns are not leveled at D.Tube, they are legitimate concerns based on a long history of working in enterprise IT and experience working with businesses and security of systems and information. Fb didn't run Cambridge Analytica, they merely provided them access to their users personal information and service use data.

Everything will be transparent and open either way, everyone will know everything, people share everything on the Internet, radical transparency will happen

You really can't get around these.

  1. You have to share data with service providers, that work for you. That's totally normal and fine as long as your data is not used by them for their own personal gain.
  2. You also have to share your data when you are required to by law. You can't tell no to the authorities.
  3. You have to be prepared for future changes in your company. You have to be able to use the already collected data in case you are founding a new subsidiary or changing the legal status of your company.

Besides. What data do they even collect? It's not like Facebook, where a lot of private data are stored. Full Name and Postal Address aren't even needed as far as i can see. Maybe not even the Country. So it's really just your your Email Address.

It's not just email address, I listed all required data for token sale sign up, none of them are optional. The required personal details are marked with an asterisk, they are:

  • Country of residence
  • Contact Email
  • Full Name
  • Postal Address

They specified that they will share data with advertisers and affiliates, current or future, and also upon government request, in addition to legal demand be it legislative or regulatory.

It's a matter of user discretion, I chose non participation, and thought I would share my reasons here. To each their own.

We need to collect this data for the sake of the token sale. This sale is regulated by ecommerce laws and hence forces use to collect this set of data. We need it only to establish a billing document and to calculate payment restrictions and VAT depending on where you live.
We do not collect any data for marketing purposes and will never do.

Yeah, but who's checking if the data is actually valid?
All they actually need is probably the E-Mail Address. Everything else is just required by law, but i doubt they are actually planning to send you an actual physical bill via snail mail.

This kept me back from buying. I reserved some euros to do so and will spend them when DTC is available on the markets. A little demand there is necessary anyway.

I'm the first buyer maybe :)

@dtube is now gonna be more exciting :) Just bought 100 DTC using STEEM :) It's fast and easy :)
IST 23.33
Thanks guys !



Really excited with DTC coin..

I was locked and loaded to buy then read privacy policy. Go to hell Dtube!!! You are worse than YouTube! I thought you were different! 😭

I too found the terms of the Privacy Policy discouraging, and so regrettably declined participation.

Although we still pursue the vision of a decentralized web and no ads, no collection of personal data for ad targeting, we have to abide by the laws of our country of incorporation.

  • The data you stated above are the MINIMUM COMPULSORY data we have to collect by operating a token sale, under the e-commerce laws. This is why we collect it, we need to be able to
    1/generate billing documents (name, address),
    2/to send you a confirmation email to validate your purchase (email) and
    3/calculate taxes and payment restrictions depending on where you live (country of residence).
    Please also note we haven't asked any more information than what is purely compulsory.

  • About our privacy policy, as @star.citizen commented below, we cannot get around these 3 points of sharing data.

  • About the signup process, we ONLY ASK FOR AN EMAIL address as a required data, everything else i, again, not used to target our users with ads but just to make sure all our users are real users and not bots trying to abuse the system. We had to be very cautious on that point because a DTube account is not a simple social media account, it will handle DTube Coins tokens that can be used to exchange value.

  • In addition to this, we will open the possibility in the future to create an instant 100% free account on DTube.

DTube is and always be 100% transparent and without ads.
We are building the future of social media with a totally renewed business model. You can trust DTube as it has been 2 years we are building our project with full transparency, way more than any other project in the blockchain space

anybody can sign up on signup.d.tube?
captcha is dead...

Bought in. Hoping to use Dtube more next year.