
in #steem7 years ago


A very uncomfortable subject for most people.
We like to punish the peado, but are unwilling to accept its too late once they have acted .The damage is done .
It is so rife. I don't think there is a person alive who doesn't know at least one person who has been abused .
If we keep acting in the same way we will get the same results.
Surely the results we want are to stop a child being violated. We are not here to try and stop peoples thoughts.
Am I a murderer because i have thought of murdering?

So what can we do ?
We need to accept this is not unusual for a lot of people to fancy a child, ( Instantly I know this will make people angry to read this because its a disgusting , scary, horrible thought) but we must open our eyes) but unacceptable to act on this feeling and if we could not be afraid to deal with this we may be able to help a lot of children from being abused and stop a lot of people with these thoughts from acting on them.

How do we do this?
I think by acknoleging the problem.
You are not a murderer by thought
nor a peado by thought.
Only when you act out thought.
So we need to accept that some people have these thoughts and give them places to go to talk to come up with solutions to help them not act. To not be so naive to think that it does not exist and then to only punish after the harm is done. WE have not stopped this as a society from happening ever, so we need to look at a different way to try and stop it happening and to except it exists and to help people to not act on it. Surely this will help us as a society and more importantly from at least some children form being hurt.

I know at least we need to try something else as what we are doing is not working.
Please let me know what you think