Exploring My Universe: Venus/Mars/Pluto

in #steem4 years ago


I have been exploring my universe over the years and it has taken me on many adventures within my mind and soul. I have learned so much about myself that I still have a hard time believe this is me. I learned so much about my zodiac planets, So Here is what I found out

Venus Cancer
Time Zone: 50s/60s/70s/80s zone

This is a interesting placement as well as feeling. This energy allows me to feel love in a homebound way. I find music to be the best way to communicate how i feel at the given moment. most of my emotion lies within the music I listen to. But when I am here, I feel safe.

Mars in Leo
Description 1987 Bad


This is the only way I can describe this energy that comes out when passion is invoked. Michael was a mar in leo as well as a Leo himself. I learned so much from watching him when he was here. This energy comes out in the areas of performance arts such as anything music related and creating art. I seem to draw ALOT of attention when I bring that out. I rarely use it because not all attention is good attention.

Pluto Scorpio

Energy Of The Hunter

Deep in the Darkness

This planet is a very intense place with two rulers (Mars and Pluto)
to me this translate to Ares and Hades, I can only imagine the dynamics of this duo.
This explains why I go from one extreme to the next
I believe because of I am also a Scorpio Ascendant these trait really come out

When I come to this planet I don't know what to expect, but I know it is going to be intense and deep
Things will get very very DARK on this planet. The truth is real on this planet.


I make gaming video to show people a glimpse of the universe I have created.